Map room

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Alby let us have the next day off, which was a good thing as I was still tired from running away from grievers all night. We'd eaten some food, Frypan gave us extra and everyone stared at the three of us like we were ghosts, asking questions and stuff. I couldn't be bothered to talk to any of them, I just ate silently, while Minho had his arm wrapped around my waist telling people about the maze and how Thomas had killed one. Once we'd eaten we went to bed, though it was hard to get sleep as everyone was working and shouting and yelling and it was broad daylight.
"I can't get any shucking sleep, even though I'm super tired." I turned over in bed to face Minho, he looked at me and nodded.
"Same. It's too loud." He ran his hand through his jet black hair and sighed. "Well...we could go to the map room and sleep?"
"There isn't a bed there, silly." I rolled my eyes.
"There is...kinda. There's an old mattress and some blankets in there, it's for when I have to stay up late mapping and can't go back to the homestead or I'll wake people up. I have stay in there sometimes. We should just go there, it'll be a lot quieter." Minho brushed the hair out of my face.
"We could." I say, getting up and pulling on some shoes.
"Okay." Minho clambered out of the bed and I followed him to the map room.
"Where you two shuck faces going?" Zart called as we walked past the gardens to get to the map room.
"Somewhere where we can get a more peaceful sleep without you shanks yelling. The map room." Minho told him, his hand in mine.
"Yeah yeah, so you're not just going there to make out because you have the day off?" Zart sniggered, and a few other gladers did the same.
"Shut up you jealous shank. Maybe I will. We have the day off tomorrow too so..." Minho winked and laughed. I went bright red.
"Ooh, okay then lovebirds. There better not be any babies in the glade though, especially if they're Minho's." Zart giggled.
"That'd be terrifying. The sass would be unbearable." Newt laughed.
"Guys shut upppp!" I blushed.
"Aw, they're only playing, baby." Minho kissed my cheek.
"I knowwww...." I sigh.

Minho pulls out the mattress and some blankets and we get into them. It's so quiet and peaceful. He wraps his arms around my body and yawns.
"Finally, it's quiet." He says, kissing me on the lips softly.
"I'm so tired." I say closing my eyes and putting my head against his chest.
"Me too." He says, kissing my hair.
I close my eyes for about a minute, and I can tell he's looking at me the whole time.
"You're beautiful you know?" He says.
"Stop it. I'm not." I whisper.
"Shut up, you're the most gorgeous, amazing, pretty, smart, funny, kind and strong girl I have ever laid eyes on." He says cheesily, laughing.
"I'm the only girl you have ever laid eyes on, but thanks. You're not bad too either." I laugh.
"Not bad? I'm shucking great." Minho giggles, kissing me again.
"Yeah...yeah you are."

Sorry if this was cheesy, idk. I kinda like writing it a bit fluffy though. Thanks for reading, idk what could happen the next day but it might involve Gally again I'm just not sure. Just let me know in the comments what could happen on their day off and I might include it.
Maia xx

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