What's up with Eyebrows?

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I'm woken by Minho lets out a huge yawn purposefully to wake me. He stretches his arm out and pulls me up.
"Thanks for waking me up, shank. I was having a good dream." I smirk.
"Aw too bad. We've got to run today."
We walk over to the mess hall to get breakfast. Gally is staring at me again like some weird eyebrow stalker.
"He's looking at us again." I whisper to Minho.
"I swear if Mr Eyebrows-"
"Good morning lovebirds!" Were interrupted by newt who sits in between us.
"Oh. Hi Newt." I say, eating some toast.
"Watcha talking about? Baby names? Dates of weddings?" He grins jokingly.
"Yeah totally." Minho raises his eyebrows at him.
"Shut up." I laugh.
Gally is looking at us again. Does he have nothing better to do?
"Just saying. (Y/n) you're the only girl in the glade. You already have a boyfriend after like a month. What next? Little baby Minhos running around the glade." Newt giggles.
"That's a terrifying thought." Winston smiles from across the table. "The sass would be unbearable."
We all laugh. And Gally scowls.
What the hell is his problem?

Minho x reader- glade girlWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu