Running with Minho

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I wake up, it's very early, I can tell as it's still a little dark. Minho is leaning over me, his hand on my shoulder.
"Wake up, (y/n) we've got work to do." He says, kissing me softly. I get out of bed, and get changed, before grabbing some early breakfast from Frypan. We pack our bags, mostly with lunch, and wait for the gates to open. He clutches my hand.
"You ready?"
"Yeah." I say, squeezing his hand.
"Good that." He kisses me on the cheek and then we run off into the maze. We run and run, mentally plotting the winding paths, and following the long dangling vines. We then stop for lunch, sitting on the floor, eating sandwiches.
"Wanna sit on my lap again?" He asks, chewing his sandwich.
"It's okay." I tell him, then he shuffles in next to me and pulls me into his lap.
"Too bad." He laughs, he's finished his lunch already, I'm such a slow eater. "Wait, we're alone in here, no Alby, or Newt. No Gally. What am I thinking, this is a great chance." He says, and then he slams his lips into mine, it's a passionate collision. His tongue tries to enter my mouth, which I grant access. We kiss, for a good minute, before stopping to catch our breathes. He tries to keep going.
"Minho, I love you and that, but we need to keep going. If we don't map our section, Alby will rip our heads off." I tell him, he looks a little disappointed. "We can carry on later, I promise." I tell him, his eyes light up.
"Okay, you're right. Let's go." He grabs my hand and we begin to run again, hand in hand like a little couple.
A couple, trapped in a deadly maze with not much hope of escaping.
Alive, anyway.

Thanks for reading this chapter! Idk if this is any good, I need people's opinions. Do you like it? I want to keep going.
Maia xx

Minho x reader- glade girlOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz