Chap 4: Announcement of the visiting cousin

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Time skip to school
Another boring day at school... Natsu wasn't at school today cause he had a basketball game with his team at another school, Levy and Juvia have to take care of their little cousins today which is not true cause I know that their lying and just sneaking out of school just watch their BOYFRIENDS play, while Erza and Yukino is getting ready for something.

I sighed sitting in the cafeteria by my self, with my cap on backwards and drinking chocolate milkshake, I got my phone out of my bag and looked at the time. "Maybe I should go home, rest of the day is free time anyway" I called Capricorn to pick me up.


"Daddy I'm home!" I gave Virgo my school bag when she came to greet me, mhm daddy still hasn't greeted me yet, I tried calling again. "Daddy...."

"Hime your father is in his office if you would like to see him" Virgo said. I face palmed how did I not know that he was in his office ._. His always there anyway. I thanked Virgo and ran to his office, I opened the door carefully, saw that he was facing the wall on his phone who's he calling? "Dadd???" He turned around from his chair and gave me the phone smiling then walking out.


"Hello lulu!"

My eyes widened, and smile filled my face.

"Lis! How are you!"

"I'm good hehe"

"So why are you calling?"

"Oh your dad haven't told you yet but I'm coming to Mongolia to visit maybe I don't know for a month or more!" She shirked from the other line, my eyes widened even more when I heard that she was visiting, I'm so happy! Before Lisanna left Mongolia to live in America she was my best friend and yet favourite cousin.

"Really?! When are you coming?"I held the phone both with my hands excitedly.

"In about 3 days sorry for the late message"

"No no it's okay! I'm so glad your visiting! See you when you come" I smiled.

"Bye lulu! Love yeh"

"Love you too" I hanged up smiling, YUSH LISANNAS COMING!!!!


"Gah can't believe we lost bro" Gray took off his shirt in the change room and sitting back down placing a towel on his forehead.

"Well we got another game in 2 weeks" I sighed, laying down on the wooden bench.

"Dudes why doesn't natsu dragneel have a girlfriend yet?" Jellal said in a questiony voice. Ugh here we go again...

"BECAUSE he GETS REJECTED!" They all said at the same time and laughing after that.

"shut up, I don't even ask girls out what the hell and I'm finding the right girl and the right girl to spend my whole LIFE with" I sat up Emphasizing the word life, I grabbed my bag along with my basketball.

"What about lucy? She may be hiding her girlyness under her boyness act, you'll never know" Sting said. Lucy huh? Nah that would never work out.

"Lucy and me are best friends and she's not a boy, the only people that are aloud to tease her by calling her a boy is me and her dad, no one else" I assured them. "And me and her already agreed to never date" I lied.

"Never date? I don't remember you and her agreeing to that" Sting said, I ignored him and went out the door. "See you all at school going to visit Aunty Mirajane"

Lucy....nahhh, Maybe Aunty would know, everything about my love life....and the one and only girl I would spend my whole life with.

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