Chap 22: Confession

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"Shit shit shit.." I walked back and forth in my room ruffling my hair, I KISSED HER ON THE FOREHEAD! No rouge calm down, we're both like brother and sister like so she wouldn't think I'm weird..right? I jumped on my bed, face down. "I'll just leave it's not a big deal anyway" Then my eyes drifted to sleep.

~time skip to school

Thursday...this time everyone that was involved in the fashion show was practicing in the gym, I walked backstage and saw Lisanna was arranging the outfits in the Closet. "Hey"

Her body shivered, She turned around slowly showing her red face. "H-hi Ryan EH I mean Rouge what b-brings you here heh"


He walked closer to me and placed the back of his hand on my forehead. "N-Nani?" Thats when I remembered what Rouge did to me last night. 0////0

"Lisanna? your getting really warm" he turned his hand around placing his palm of his hand on my forehead, my cheeks probably my whole body heated up, my face bright pink! Omg this what happens when I see you now?

I grabbed his wrist and slowly putting it back to the side of his hips. "Don't worry about me" I turned back and continued to arrange the outfits.

"So have people been avoiding you lately?" He changed the subject.

"Yeaahhh??? You could say that I guess..."

"Oh..." Things got really awkward and I mean really awkward, moments later I finished arranging Mirajane's design outfits in the closest. Now I have free time!

"What now?" I sighed and smiled. He rubbed his chin.

"How about we go eat lunch now I'm hungry" he suggested, I nodded in agreement and followed him to the cafeteria in the school, when we walked in we saw Natsu, Lucy, Erza and Jellal sitting on one table, I looked at them but they looked away. Guest they are really ignoring me...

"What's wrong?"

"Oh n-nothing! Let's go eat" I stuttered choking on my words, we walked over to the counters and ordered our lunch. We then sat on a table near the window, Rouge sat the opposite side of me, I looked out the window looking at the view of the school.

"Lisanna" I turn Rouge. "You seem down"

"It's obvious isn't it" I knocked my head on the table face first.

"So you are sad"

"Yea..even Lucy's dad wouldn't talk to me properly" I turned my head facing the window, I heard Rouge sigh and felt his hand on my head, I blushed.

"Don't worry Lisanna, like I said I'm always here for you" that's when the flashback started, Rouge saying bye to me and the kissing me on the forehead, URGH WHY WHY WHY.

I could feel my cheeks burning from blushing so hard, and I already know that I have fallen for him. "Lisanna?"

"Huh?!" I quickly shot up and sat back on my chair.


"You seem really distracted" I looked at her with a worried look, was it the kiss on the forehead last night?

"EHH heh no.." She said quietly, I could tell it was. I continued eating my Lunch watching Lisanna's red face the whole time. That kiss made my heart skip many miles, I've never felt like that to someone before even to Lucy, and a guy knows what that means.

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