Maes Hughes x Reader

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Three years. It's already been three years since that dreadful day Gracia was killed from the sickness. Hughes didn't take it very well, he was terribly depressed. If it not had been for Elicia.. You didn't want to think about it.

'Would you like to see my beautiful daughter sir?' Hughes asked a random man on the street.

The man hesitated, then walked away in a hurry. You sighed, shaking your head. You hesitated just as the man did, but decided to approach the very proud father.

'Hughes?' You called out to him, and once you were close enough, you tapped his shoulder.

Maes whirled around. '(F/n)! Would you like to my very precious princess? She's so cute!' he cried, hearts filling his eyes.

He didn't give you time to answer as he pulled out a photo of Elicia, the little girl you've seen more than a thousand times before.

'In fact, she did the most adorable thing ever the other day! She was running down a hill with her arms outstretched like an airplane! But then she tripped and scraped her knees and I had to use up the rest of her popsicle band-aids.' He said that last part as if he were sad, pulling his bottom lip out in a pout as he ran out of breath during his speech.

You stared at him blankly, but he didn't even notice as he continued on.
'But then I got some more! Another thing--her hair had gotten so long! She's so cute, isn't she? Elicia even has her daddy's great sense of humor! It's just like a little me walking around, I tell you!'

You smiled and cut in before he could continue on forever. 'Yep! Such a great little girl! You should be proud!' You tried so hard to keep the irritation from your voice as you said this, but even if you failed, the man most likely wouldn't even notice.

He straightened up and cleared his throat, fixing his collar. 'But..There was something more professional I wanted to talk to you about.'

You tilted your head slightly, curious as to what could be more important to him than blabbering on about his daughter. 'Yes?'

'You're my best friend, right? You would do anything in my time of need?'

'What? Of course!' Now you were really curious as to what this was about.

'You see.. Elicia really needs a mother figure at this point in her life. She's so young, I couldn't imagine what not having a mom would be like!' He was blabbering nonstop again.

'What are you trying to say?' You asked, your voice pretty much emotionless.

'Will you be the mother to my angel?' He asked calmly, his facial expression not changing.

'Uuh...' Your eyes drifted across his face for any signs of nervousness, but you couldn't find anything. You guessed he had wanted to ask for quite a while. 'Sure?'

'Great!' He exclaimed, pulling you into a fierce hug. 'You have no idea how much this means to us! Elicia is going to be so proud!'

You couldn't return the hug because your arms were secured by your sides thanks to Hughes, so you just smiled instead. 'Don't worry about it! I'm happy to help!'

'Speaking of helping, did you hear about that time Elicia helped me clean out the bookshelf? It was so cute! She's daddy's little helper!' He fan boyed as the two of you started walking towards his house.

You rolled your eyes and smirked and you listened to him, looking up at the sky. Hughes was talking non-stop, and you starting thinking that the guy just loved the sound of his own voice sometimes.

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