Chapter 31

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Sudden movement had me jerking my head to stare straight at cool liquid blues peering intently back into my own.

"Who are you?"

The words were murmured softly but with an undeniable menace. Yet the stranger didn't so much as flinch in reaction.

"I am Uyori of the woods. I am Elvan," said the stranger.

Despite the crystal clear words I struggled to grasp his meaning. Elvan?

"I am not a fool don't expect me to believe your blarney," I muttered shortly, before tearing my gaze away from his entrancing ones in search of another hue that matched his and yet had the ability to quench incredible thirst.

My gaze landed on a jug of water on the bedside table. Ignoring the petite glass at its side, I lifted the jug whole and tipped it down my parched throat. Chugging the liquid as I went and revelling in the coolness splashing down my throat and neck at the same time.

The sheet of loose fabric that covered me soaked in the water that dribbled down my chin and turned transparent in the effort.

It was his sudden hitch in breath that alerted me to that fact.

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