Chapter 17

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"Right! I'm done," said Eric slaming down a hief of papers as he beamed down at me.

All thoughts of schools and libraries momentarily flew out the door. I hurriedly rose from my perche off the bench and moved  into position eager to meet with my first beau.

Eric chuckled behind me amused at my eagerness then he masterfully dodged the crowd that surrounded him has he made his way to the front door and taped the sheets to the outerside of the door.  The schedules of my dates were out.

I did not bother to look at the list, I would trust my beaus to do the needfull and keep me rightly informed over whose turn it was to court me. My job was only to make myself ready for the courtship and to do this without time delay.

A cry of joy rang out followed by angry growls as the very first of my dates pushed through the throng eager to have a go. I stared at him. Impressed with his awesome build, dark hair and caucasion look. I was sure there would be an Italuan heritage in there somewhere.

"My name is Imanual Setti. I'd love to give you your first tutorial on our histories as wolf people. Shall we begin?" he asked scoring a 10  with his opening gambit. This was way better, I would get tutored on my kind from the beaus that courted me.

I beamed up a happy smile at him then gave up on trying to restrain the shudder that racked through my frame and had my eyes almost rolling back in pleasure just from his brushing his lips to my cheeks. I couldn't help it. Clutching his head with both hands I drag his lips to mine and barely restrained myself from wolfing him down whole. He was just that delicious. I realised that it was getting worse. Being in the company of so many potential mates was wearing me thin. I was ever on the verge of sexual release. A volcano that wants to errupt. I ran a frustrated hand through my hair as Eriv wrenched us appart. I now felt so deprived. Imanual looked so hot and his kiss swollen lips only enticed me for more.

Suddenly, I just could not take it anymore. I spun around and changed into my wolf form mid turn. I took off into the woods needing to get away. Imanual shifted and ran after me.

Dusk was settling in as I took off into the woods. My foot pad crushing the dry leaves and twigs as pushed forward using my great speed and power to make my way to the tinkling brooke I could hear in the distance.

The smell of prey interfered. I came to an abrupt halt. Imanual likewise stood stock still. In the sudden deafening silence that spilled into our ears after thundering of our footfalls that crushed an endless bed of twigs and dry leaf, a branch broke off in the distance. Our sensitive ears twitched in uniform movement. We instinctively cocked our heads to the right and listened with all out might and then in a burst of sound hoofs thundered in the distance. I glanced to Imanual. Elk, I thought happily and saw Imanual'own lopsided wolfish grin.

We took off in a joint hunt and begun the gentle dance to herd an elk away from it s friends. We worked well as a team. Closing in to nip at the heels of our target and alternating by flinging ourselves onto the poor elk. I ignored the mild conscience that sometimes chose to appear and reminded myself that I was wolf and that elk was a delicious aroma that tantalised my senses and made me crave something other than a mate. That momentary relief alone was enough to make me pounch for the death kill. I missed. Then Imanual shot forward and onto the elf, snapping his mighty jaws over its kneck before with a quick wrench he tore into its jugular and ripped a fresh kill.

I dashed in to take its hind. We spend a good hour chowing down as much we could but the elk was big. So I ran off after taking my fill and continued on to the brooke.

Imanual found me there a little later. I was still in my wolf form  but I had already washed in the brooke. Imanual dived in for a qiuck clean then immerged out in his human form.

"Shall we start at the very begining then, Arbinul and Stayinoff were the very first of our kind we have found in written documents...," he started to lecture as I rested my huge wolf head on his thighs. He cuddled my warm fur body close and ran caresing hands through my fur. I felf warm and content. The sexual tension was greatly reduced in this form. I realised we were not meant to mate as wolves and that meant we were humans first.

Imanual later confirmed that with the tale he told.

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