Chapter 34

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I woke up to mystical songs sung in harmony. Tinkles of chimes mingled with errant laughter. The Elvans were happy.

I leaned my head back onto the soft down pillow. I was once again covered in a sheet. My feet felt hot. A glance down showed poultice filled leaves tied around it.

I listened to the soothing songs wondering at the fates and what was to become of me in the future. I knew without a doubt that I didn't belong here. The Elvans were not my people. They did not appeal to the call of my blood. I felt better at home with the wolves. They were my friends.

"You are awake!"

I turned my head surprised to find that my acute hearing had failed to pick up the sounds of his pattering feet. Uyori stood before me. Longish dark hair attractively windswept and his bright blue eyes sparkling with undimmed joy.

"The celebration is in your honour," he said nodding towards the music playing in the background.

"Three more have been declared fertile and carrying. By the end of the week, there will be many more additions to the Elvans thanks to you," he smiled down at me.

"I don't know if you know this but Elvans carry their unborn for six months. You will remain with us for that long at least. Longer if you choose to do so," said Uyori, accurately reading the sorrow in my gaze.

"We are not so different you and I, our species both crave nature. You being a priestest as well makes you no stranger to power," said Uyori again seemingly unperturbed to carry on this one sided conversation. But the last of what he said peaked my attention.


"You have not felt it? Pumping along in your veins? It comes to us individually based on what appeals to us most. I am good with the winds. It was how I drew you to me. I manipulated the scents in the air that you unknowingly followed. Leading you towards me and the Elvans."


Why was I not surprised?

"I would like to meet them. The other Elvans," I hadn't seen a soul aside from Uyori. I needed more to believe any of it. It was surreal how much my life could change in the space of less than an hour.

"It will be my pleasure," said Uyori. This time he was at my side lifting me up in his arms before I moved to place my feet on the ground.

I wrapped my hands about his strong shoulders feeling his strength and admiring it's pale yet bronzen sheen. My eyes ran over his features, admiring the strong lines of his straight nose, the sensual curve to his soft lips and hawk like deep set eyes that glowed blue flames down at me.

He was startlingly beautiful.

I stared up at him in shock wondering why it hadn't struck me before. I had known he was handsome but it hadn't dawned that he mesmerisingly so. Yet now I couldn't seem to tear my gaze away from his.

But then we were out under the bright sun and the quiet murmur of words drew my reluctant attention away. I realised then I was gazing at an entire village. One that had been magically obscured from my sight earlier.

I turned now away from the many onlookers feeling overwhelmed and confused and stared at Uyori, awaiting his explanation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2016 ⏰

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