Chapter 20

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School was as always anti-climatic. I had great expectation of uncovering some deep dark secrets of my past but theres been no enlightening changes thus far. Its been a week already. My mating dance has been the longest yet. Being at school just ensured I've been hit on by every male attending. My usual allotment of males took turns to escorting me. Aside from the usual groping that I returned whole heartedly no progress has been made in achieving sexual gratification. I was by now reaching the end of my thethers.

"I've been doing some digging of my own. I believe yours was not the first of such a case where your true mate could not be found...," Professor Lan was saying before I rudely butted in to voice my greates fear.

" What if he was already dead or worse still unborn?" I too had been spending a great deal of time and effort in trying to find some sense in all this.

"I doubt that is the case for nature has a way for finding a balance in just such eventualities. No yours is Im sure a more complex situation. One that dates back to the early wars."

"Wolf wars?"

"I meant world war 1 and all those prior. We only have complete documentation that dated back to WW1 however, there are wolf scriptures that go back a lot further. It will not be as easy to run through those as it were for the languages they are in is obsecure to say the least. We've had scholars spend years, centuries even in trying to dechiper those transcripts but to no avail," he said pausing to reach out for a glass of water that he gulped down at a go.

"What about WW1 how does that link to us?" I asked curious for I thought having lived as long as I have I 'd already know more then needed on that subject matter.

"Well my dear what you would not know and indeed few do know was that was one war that was started by the wolves. The soviet wolves to be exact."

That rang an omnious bell. "Can you tell me more? How is it the two relates?"

"As you know it was the assasination of the Archduke of Austria on 28 June 2014 that triggered WW1. What the world does not know was the Archduke was a wolf. Franz Ferdinand was heir to the throne of Austria- Hungary. He was a wolf as was the royal family of Austria. The soviet wolves were in dispute with the Austrian monarch over what was then a mating rite for royalties."

"Royals are different?" I asked.

"Oh yes. A royal only mated with other royal. Royals are of course born from other royals. The line is very pure and is meant to remain pure. There are very few royals left. In the past they were easier to find due to them being actual Monarchs of a place. Now adays with the monarchs all but gone those who were wolf are hard to find making the actual mating process difficult and therefore reducing their numbers."

"So you think I am a royal," I asked for it would explain my not having found my mate what with being in heat and all it really should have expedited the process.

"God no!"

Ok he needn't have sounded so agast about it.

"Royals have distinct features that distinguish them as such. If you were royal we would be able to tell," he explained.

" Oh! What features are that?" I asked wanting to know.

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