Chapter 25

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Relieved I turned back and found myself moving close enough to invade his personal space but I found I could not resist the silent pull between us. It might have been all one sided for he did not seemed to be similarly affected but then I caught the barely discernable tightenning of his jaw.

"You are a royal?" I asked vaguely wanting to hear it from him but not sure how to go about it.

"I am." Reid gritted out tightly between his teeth.

" I am not," I huffed out feeling strangely light headed and unfocused as I stared into his intense eyes.

"You are not," he agreed but I continued to stare up at him not comprehending.

"Why do I feel like this around you then?" I asked feeling a deep need within that demanded to be satisfied. A need for him.

" What do you feel?" Reid whispered roughly. His husky tone sent shivers rippling visibly down my spine. He knew exacrly what I felt. I did not like bring played. It was obvious I would not get a direct answer out of him. But I've found out what I came here for. I was not a royal. Reid was and therefore I was not his mate.

A wave of dissappointment almost sent me crashing to my knees. I had to get out if here. I held myself rigidly and tried to pull away.

I did not budge from my spot. I started to panic. " Release me," I pleaded feeling bombarded with a lust so accute it was a wonder I remained verticle. That he remained verticle.

"No. Never," he said adamantly before reaching out with one hand to haul me against him.

I went willingly. In a single move I was wrapped about him. Arms and legs clutching him close while my heated core pressed up against his hard length. Yet still we were silent and unmoving as he continued to stare down at me into my very soul.

"You are something more then a royal," Reid whispered to me his lips only a breath away from my own.

"Wha..what am I?" I asked not really caring anymore.

"You are a high-priestess."

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