Chapter 33

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"Wha... what just happened?"

I turned confused eyes to meet with Uyori's joyous ones. He gazed at me uncomprehendingly before understanding dawned.

"Epona stepped in, deciding your course for you," said Uyori. "You were meant to carry my child. But that is not all. My people... our people will benefit from our union."

"Our people?"

"The Elvans and the wolves," said Uyori. "You will find all the females going into heat. Wombs not fertile before will be filled with life now. You have saved me and mine just as you have saved yours."

I stared up at the happiness radiating from his lovely eyes wondering why I felt nothing alike.

My hand ran caressingly over my stomach. I felt an instant sense of connection to the child I carried. I knew that happiness was without question but gazing up at Uyori looking down at me felt... wrong.

Uyori must have seen it in my eyes for his own bright gaze dimmed.

"You need time. Time to get used to me. To us. The Elvans," said Uyori hesitantly. "I will give you all the time you need."

Leaving my room with an abruptness that left me shaken and more alone then before I wrapped my arms about knees and curled into a ball onto my side. 

Unbidden thoughts of Reid fluttered through my mind once more. Confused and bewildered by the turn of events I felt exhaustion come over me dragging me off into sleep.

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