Chapter 1

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"Samantha? Is that you?" came the shrill sound that almost pierced my sensitive drums.

"Aunt Clara? Its so good to see you," I lie emphatically. Aunt Clara was a pesky gossip monger of the very worst sort. I'd rather roll about in poisen ivy then spend a moment in her poo dung equivalent company.

I beam a false smile at her and make my way to her side. The ballroom was packed to overflowing yet the old bat managed to spot me. If I didn't know any better I'd say she was an eagle or at the very least an owl in sight if not in actual form. For it appeared she could spot me in just about any crowd. I knew I was the only shapeshifter in this crowd. At least that is what I think I am.I haven 't a clue as to why I could change form into a wolf  I only know for certain that I am alone in this ability. I have been so for the last three hundred and fifteen years. I knew instinctively this was merely at infancy to what age I could actually achieve but I had no real idea so I just took each day as it came and lived through it as best I could.

So you might have guessed that Aunt Clara was not my real aunt. I was ever so thankfull for that miracle alone. Its really the little joys in life that make it all so worth while.

I call myself Samantha Palmer. Sam to my friends. I have no parents at least none I know off. My earliest memories was of a pup. My first memories as a human only took place when I was the equivalent of a twelve year old in human years. I was found naked and asleep on a bed of hay by a nun. I guess I had wondered by a church in my wolf form and on reaching puberty managed to change into my alternate human form.

The convent took me in and thought me my speach, how to read and write. Till today my accent was strangely that of old english. I came from England as a human but knew that was not my place of birth. My instincts point to Siberia as my birthland and that same insticnts tell me to stay away from there, that only pain and sorrow lie that way. I don't know how I know this but I just do. I also instinctively know that I have no family. That whatever it is I fear in Siberia took ny family away from me. I know that one day I must return to discover my past but that day has not yet come and I am uncertain that I would even survive it when it did come. This is why I train daily. Why I have been training daily for the past hundreds of years. From the convents to the monks in tibet Ive continued my trainings in everything that caught my interest and everything that would strengthen me further. Make me invincible to my imaginary foes. For I know not who they are only that they are out there somewhere and getting closer.

As of late Ive been having sleepless nights. Ripples of unease pulling me out of the deepest of slumbers. Waking me into startling alertness. Waiting for something to happen. And that was not all, I have also been having strangely erotic dreams so sensual that I awake sweating from the heat of it all. But I don't see anything I only feel.

Even tonight there is a strange erotic sensation in the very air. I could taste it on the tip of my tounge.

Whatever it was it could not be good. I was almost silently shaking from the suspense of it all. I listen on to Aunt Clara with an expression of polite interest while my mind remain far away, my senses scanning for danger, simply scanning for anything that could explain away the unease.

It was the smell that got to me first. I found myself unconciously inhaling again then taking a deeper breath, craving more I quickened my breath and was almost panting before Aunt Clara's expression alerted me that something was wrong.

And it was wrong. Nothing could smell that good. Nothing did smell that good. A yearning to know more had me automatically reaching out with every sense I could muster trying to locate its cause and then I tasted it in the winds and just knew. It was a he and he was coming for me. I knew an instant fear flash through me as I realised what it all added up to. Realised too late...that I was a bitch in heat and that male was of my kind homing in on my like a moth to a flame. The instinct to flee took precedence.

I gave a convincing explanation of feeling unwell then swept up my voluminos skirts and swept out the nearest french windows. I strode casually accross the manucured lawns then on moving far enough to be completely shrouded in darkness before I slipped of my stilettos and took of in an out right run.

I bounded over hedges and six foot high walls without breaking a sweat or slowing my pace. To any onlooker I would appear as  blur or movements but in the dark I was impossible to see with the naked eye. Not a few seconds later I was by my porche parked at the end of the mile long drive by valet parking. Seeing my keys in the ignition I push back in the pin I had been taking out of my hair to hot wire the vehicle when my spider sense to put it simply tingled or more accurately blared a trumpet in alarm. I spun around into combat stance fighting the instinct to flee and instead face the wolf at the end of the drive. A very male wolf.

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