Chapter 9

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I was back at the turn off before I knew it. The glowing golden eyes that peered out of the darkness at me was almost unnerving but I swung back onto the correct route without hesitation. This was just another thing that had to be done. There was no real escaping it and i wasnt sure I wanted to try. It was time I had a mate. Having been alone for so long onlt served to make me quite frantic about it but it was not easily done as was explained to me back at the house.

 I was informed without ceremony that the only the correct pair can mate. How this is decided is uncertain. A pair not right for each other if mated will not bear children, and they will not last long. An imbalance in their soul with have them whithering away soon after. There have been many impatient who have tried this and have not lived long as a consequence. This is why, females and males actively seek their mate before the the female is in heat for not only would they want to use that time to have their kids but also the sex at that time is more intense than it is at any other time. Everyone knows this and wants a piece of the action. I had flushed red in embarasment at that. Talking to naked men had not helped either. They refused to don the sheets I offered them as cover wanting to entice me with all they had to offer. Finally, unable to bear it any longer I had demanded the don their fur if not the sheet I offered them. Then I found myself facing the wolves once more and communications were somewhat cut-off.

I still had a lot of questions and they ate at me as I drove through the night and the following day stopping only for gas. Food was somehow not a priority. Finally, I reached a beaten track that trailed into the woods and without reducing my speed I swept into it. Ignoring the rough and tumble the uneven surface offered. I was flexible enough to move with the flow to adapt myself to be one with the vehicle and so was not unduly jarred on impact that driving like this would leave normal humans either dead from a broken neck or at the very least bruised sore. Finally, I could go no further, so I throw teh four wheel derive into park and exit the vehicle. I did not pause but turned into my wolf form ripping my clothes off as I do so and without a backwards glance I take off into the woods. I knew one of the younger boys will change back to human form and cart my luggage for me.

I felt more then heard the thunder of paws behind me. It was almost surreal a wild run that had me breathless and panting for more. It was a full moon lit night and sparkles of the moon glimmered of rocks, and foilages through out the woods. Even my pure black fur was glittered in an unusual shimmer. It was a magical night and I was glad to be sharing it with others of my kind and most importantly with my mate for even if I did not yet know who he is, he was still here with me, one of those who follow so closely at my heels.

And then we were there a clearing opened up ahead and nestled in the valley between two mountainous peaks was a village. The packs home. Which pack I was not yet sure. I had not managed to get too much detail before I left but I am here now and there was nothing to stop me from learning as much as I could of my own kind. With a sudden spurt of speed I stretched out my foot falls and watched the landscape fly beneath me as I ate up the distance to those homes.

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