Chapter 4

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He pulled into my driveway and we walk in silence up the short path in. The door opens and Dorian stood there waiting.

"Back so soon?" he asked gazing down at me with affection before he finally threw a curious gaze at Joe.

I turned to make a quick introduction but in a blur of movement Joe had gone ahead. I hear a bone crunch and whip back to look at Dorian in horror. He lay prone on the floor still in the doorway.

"What the hell?" I scream in anger.

"He wants you. You are mine," Joe says bluntly. If he thought that was an explanation I would accept he could think again. I growled at him, a deep threatening sound that had his hair stand on end. I could see the shivers that rippled down him in response but I was not done. I leaned in to face him and allowed my eyes to turn golden from its usual black. I whisper in that same deep growl," You dare harm what is mine? You dare lay a finger on what belongs to me?"

That was all the warning he had before I threw myself at him in a frenzy of teeth and claws. He countered as best he could but he was handicaped by the need to do me no harm. I was not so deterred.

By the time I was done he was a mass of clawed scratches accross his face and torso. I looked down at him with my eyes.

" You have come to mate with me. That is why I went easy on you. Don't push me," I say and watch as if by miracle his wounds close up and heel before my very eyes.

"Thats mere scratches, kitten claws, love. It will take a lot more than that to keep me from protecting whats mine. He grasped my chin and jerk my gaze up to his.

"The only male that is yours is me. Retract what you just said or I will finish him off," Joe said with a hard glint in his eyes.

I felt the urge to go all wild cat again but I knew it would be pointless, he was my match and more jn every way. This battle of wills could not go down well.

"He is family," I finally say thinking that is the only way to get through to him.

"To you maybe but I could smell his lust for you even before I stepped out of that car. Whether you accept it or not, he wants you."

"Its only because I am in heat..," I blush as I start to say this but Joe is already shaking his head.

"That is not why. He is human he cannot sense that you are in heat. Who is he anyway,"Joe asked finally curious.

"Now you ask. Next time ask first before you attack," I say angrily.


"No?"I ask feeling myself get worked up again.

This times he drops his head and uses his lips to pacify me. Our lips fuse together. He hauled me against him and I wrap my arms and legs around him. The howls were closing in so he calmly shifts my weight and walks through the door  before he shut and locked the three of us in all the while keeping my lips occupied with his kisses.

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