Chapter 26

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"A high priestest?" I asked not sure if he was pulling my leg.

"They are rare. Even more so in these times. The high priests are precious. They have a greater draw when in heat to ensure they breed and produce future high priests," Reid said seriously.

I looked at his handome profile and thought about what he said, it sounded like I'd never find my mate. "So I have to sit around here waiting for my near extinct high priest to turn up and mate me. What are the chances of that happening? Next to nil?"

"Thereabouts," Reid said with a glint in his eyes.

"Have you ever met a mate before? You have lived a long time to go without," I asked out of curiosity wanting to have some idea on what to expect. Some timeline to work with. To make this more tolerable.

"I met my mate as an infant. We grew up together. She was a royal from the house of Ruh. We grew up together and on reaching puberty we knew instantly we were mates. In those days marriage happened at that age so in my earth year of thirteen years I wed my mate. We lived a good couple of decades in which she bore me three children then war between the royals tore my family apart and killed my wife. Her name was Raslita. She was beautiful. For centuries now there has not been a day I did not mourn her passing, that I did not mourn the loss of my children, that I did not roam the world mindless in search for them. Then one day a light shone in my bleak existance. A scent so delicious pulled at me drawing me across a distance so great in a pursuit so relentless that I came in search search of you."

I stared at him stunned. What was he saying? "Why would I have drawn you if we cannot be mated?. Why have I drawn anyone if I canmot be mated to any but a high priest?" I all but wailed. This was just so annoying.

"But that is the wonder of a high priestess. She can mate anyone of her  choosing. Anyone at all."

I stared again at him. This time stumped. "Do you mean to say that in all this time I could have just mated with anyone...anyone at all...even you," I asked wanting this to be crystal clear with no missunderstandings.

"Yes, your mate is entirely your choice. You can have anyone...including me." His gaze burned black orbs into mine..

I stood there a moment trying to break off his spell and think this through. "So why  haven't I mated yet?"

"Only you can possibly answer that question. Now I must ask you to leave now if you choose to. My restraint is not what it used to be. Your scent is too enticing to resist. "

I noded and reluctantly turned to the door. I still had so many questions. Like what does a high priestess do?

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