Chapter 12

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Just then the large wolf tore away from those that surrounded him and bound up to me in a few short leaps. He was steadfast in making his way to me ignoring those who nipped at his heels and others still who sank their teeth in his flanks.

I stretched both arms out infront of me refusing to be intimidated. Then he was there, tumbling me to the ground as he stood over me claiming possession.

"Get off me, you oaf!"

I snarled out my anger and pushed against his belly with a my might but he only looked down at me, his tounge hanging to the side, looking all together indifferent to my shoving him off.

I growled this time but all he did was drop his massive head and swipe my face with a huge wet tounge.


I had slobber all over me.

"Yuck!" I glared up at him

Then he changed. A golden blond with blue eyes adonis lay on top of me. I gapped at him. I had not expected him to be a blond let alone such a gorgeous one at that.

This time he bent down to stick his tounge into my already gaping mouth. I couldn't say I found this to be disgusting. Unfortunately. No I eagerly shoved mine into his mouth in return. The whole scuffle, mate and being in heat simply sweapt out of my mind. He just tasted that good.

Suddenly, my bliss was snatched away as he was wrenched out of my arms. Joe stood over him still in wolf form and placed his teeth at his neck in move that could turn fatale at the slightest provocation.

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