2: Surgery

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Y/N's POV:

"Shawn calm down. I'm going to be fine! It's only a small little knee surgery!" I say as Shawn paces around the small room. He looks over at me, his face grim.

"Really? Y/N, there are people cutting into your leg. Does that not freak you out at all?" He  replies, moving over to sit on the couch next to me. I roll my eyes.

"Shawn, seriously? Of course I'm freaking out. This is my first surgery, and I'm 18. And I was hoping you would not freak out right now so I would have somebody to be strong, especially since you are my boyfriend." At this point I'm on the verge of tears. Shawn's face softens, and the worry lines deepen, but in a different way.

"Oh, Y/N I'm sorry. I know you're worried." He stutters, wiping the single tear that escaped my eyes. I take a deep breath in and try and swallow the knot in the back of my throat from trying not to cry.

"It's fine. You should go. I have to go to sleep anyway. And I'll see you tomorrow at 7." I reply, standing up off the couch. He follows behind me, quickly putting his hands on my hips and pressing his lips to mine.

The kiss starts as normal, soft and loving. But a switch flips in Shawn, and the kiss becomes rougher, and filled with more passion. He pulls me even tighter, and I move my hands to his hair.

"Shawn, the doctor said I can't have anything to eat or drink past eight..." I mutter, pulling away.

"Oh my gosh, Y/N. That was such a bad joke." He chuckles, releasing me. But I shove him away, no matter the temptation. He quietly leaves my apartment with one last gentle kiss.

The next morning:

Terror grips me as they call me back. Shawn lightly squeezes my hand, kissing me with the same sudden passion he developed last night.

"I love you, Y/N. You got this beautiful." he says, kissing my hair. I smile up at him, and turn towards the surgery admittance door with that slight limp I got since I pretty much permanently dislocated my knee. 

Shawn's POV:

You can see the fear in her eyes as she reluctantly turns towards the older nurse who called her name. Nerves make my stomach jump for her. I know how she has been dreading this for over a month when they announced it.

"Shawn, bud, sit down. She's fine!" Her dad says, scrolling through his phone. At any moment, I may have an anxiety attack, which is weird because I don't normally get anxious.

"I know, Mr. Y/L/N. I'm just a little worried. How long did they say she'd be back there?"

Y/N's POV:

As I open my eyes, I can hear the doctors quietly conversing over in the corner. I scan the room, and I am able to see Shawn through the glass window. He must have seen me looking at him because he waves lightly, his face lighting up. And at that point, all my fear was gone.

How was it? Okay, so requests. I haven't gotten any. Please send some in. Thanks!!

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