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What up? This is my q-and-bae answers and questions! My answers are in italics!! Enjoy!

1. Have you ever met Shawn?

Honey, I'm married to him, what even is this question? Just kidding yes, I have met him. *starts crying* It was incredible!

2. Most embarrassing moment...

Can I skip this question? No? Fine.
Um... does accidentally releasing gas in third grade during a movie because I thought I was at home count? Oh my word... I can remember the embarrassment now.

3. Favorite book?

Oh my heavens, child!!! Why? Why have you put me through this pain? I literally have no favorite book. I love them all!!

4. Favorite word?

Rutabaga or Bubble

5. Do you like Camila Cabello?

*chuckles* How about no.

6. Dream Job?

Wedding planner and/or occupational therapist

7. Favorite thing about Shawny boy?

His voice, his eyes, his face, his personality, him... Too broad?

8. Who is hotter, Jack G or Jack J?


9. What's your favorite song by Shawn?

Memories or LOTP

10. Who's your role model for life?

Jesus Christ is and always will be my ultimate role model!

11. How tall are you?

5'6 3/4" *smiles proudly*

12. What is your ultimate dream?

To see all of the orphans all over the world be taken into a loving home... I know this sounds cheesy, but I have two adopted siblings so...

13. Who would be your brother out of Magcon (new or old) that would be your brother based on personality? Looks?

Personality wise, Matt would probably be my brother, and looks wise, probably Gilinsky... Which is weird because he proposed to me soooooooo...

14. Who could be my sibling out of Magcon?

From personality through the short time I've been messaging you, I say Aaron.

15. Who is your favorite in Magcon?

Old Magcon: Shawn. Duh.
New Magcon: Dylan Dauzat. Have you seen this kid? Holy schnitzles he has a future...

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