13: Broken Promises Part 1

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*trigger warning*
Shawn's POV

"Calm down, Mendes. She wouldn't cheat on you. Plus you all aren't even dating anymore." Matt pats my back as I nervously flip the key to her hotel room in my hands.

"I hope you're right, dude." I rub the back of my neck before sliding the key into the lock. The door makes a clicking sound, signifying that its unlocked, and I push down on the handle, pushing the door open. There's silence.

I move forward into the tiny hotel room to see a figure curled up in the sheets.

"Y/N?" I call. The sheets move as the body under them moves, then sits up a little.

"Aaron?" I yell, as he sits up, rubbing his eyes. The second I scream his name, he looks over at me, and his mouth drops open.

"Oh, Shawn, um it's not what it looks like." He scrambles to fix his hair and sit up in bed.

"Yeah it is! You screwed with Y/N!" I lunge at him, but Matt pulls me back.

"Shawn, calm down." He mutters.

"Where is Y/N, Carpenter?" I pant heavily.

"I-I don't know. Listen, Shawn, I'm sorry, I swear its not what it looks like, and-"

"Shut up. I'll deal with you later." I grumble.

Y/N's POV:

I drop the blade, letting it clatter to the ground. Disappointment in myself creates a pit in my stomach. I swore I would never do this again. Blood pools on my forearms, and begins dripping onto the floor. A knock on the bathroom door makes me jump. Someone must've heard me drop the blade.

"Y/N?" It's Shawn. I don't bother to wipe the blood off my arms as I move to open the door, crying. He freezes, looking at my arms.

"Shawn-" I sob. He tightly pulls my body to his, and I wrap my arms around his torso. He doesn't even care that I'm getting blood all over his white t-shirt.

"I thought you said you would never do this again." He mutters, pushing me lightly off of him and grabbing my arms. He turns them cut side up and scans them.

"I-I know. I co-couldn't help it, Shawn. I
m-miss you too much, and nothing ha-has helped." I cry, wincing as he lightly touches one of the cuts. The numbness and shock is starting to wear off, and I can feel pain now.

"Let's get you cleaned up." He ushers me back into the bathroom, pulling off his bloody shirt. (A/N: Can we all take a moment in this seriousness to just appreciate this?) He takes one of the hotel washrags, and runs some warm water on it.

"Would you like to explain to my why Aaron was in your bed?" He asks. I knew this was coming.

"He came into my room last night and saw me crying when we called it off, and he curled up next to me to watch a movie, and we both fell asleep. Nothing happened, Shawn." I explain. Instinctively, the second the washrag touches my cuts, I pull my arm back.

"Let me have your arm, Y/N. I can't clean it if you pull away like that." He holds his hand out, waiting for my to give my arm back. Reluctantly, I push my arm back to him. We sit in silence for a couple of seconds.

"So you didn't..." His voice drops off.

"No, Shawn. I would never. Even if we aren't dating. My heart still belongs to you." Tears begin to well up in my eyes as I say these few words. He stops patting my arm with the rag, and connects his brown eyes with my y/e/c ones.

"I can't, Y/N. Not right now at least. You live in *whatever city you live in* and I live in up in Canada. Tour ends tomorrow. And for me, I just repack my bags and get right back on another bus. I love you too, but I just can't be in any relationship. It's too much." He explains to me, his voice obviously cracking at the end. I begin to cry harder as he wraps my arms in bandages from the hotel room's first aid kit, then stands up.

I stand up quickly and wrap my arms around his shirtless torso, and cry into the crook of his neck.

"I'll never stop waiting for you." I sob, pulling back a little. He connects his lips with mine quickly.

"Please don't. I'll be back. I love you, kitten. And please don't ever hurt yourself again. Swear?" He sticks out his pinky finger, and I wrap mine around his.


"I love you, Y/N. I'll be back." He repeats, turning and leaving the room.

And I'll be waiting.


Guys, we have made it to 200 reads!!
Message me if you want an imagine with your hair color, eye color, name, and a general idea of what you want me to do. Alright my lovlies!

~Maddie <3

P.S. Y/E/C means your eye color. Yeah. 😊

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