129: College

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Y/N's POV:

"I'm gonna miss you so much." I hug my mom so tightly I think I am going to cut her circulation off. When she leans back, she's crying. "Oh momma. Don't cry. I promise, I'll be home to visit soon."

"I know you will, Y/N. I just can't believe my baby is in college getting ready to move on with her life." She wipes the tears out from under her eyes and looks around my dorm.

"I love you mom." I whisper, leaning in and hugging her again.

"No, no more crying. This is a happy time. I'm going to go ahead and go now so that you can go meet all of your new friends." She replies. I release her, and she grabs her purse off of the couch. I look over at my dad who has been quietly standing in the corner of the room. It's hitting him harder than he would like to admit.

"Alright, dad. You can talk you know?" I go over to him.

"I'm just so proud of you, sweetheart. I love you." He wraps me up into his arms, and I breathe in his familiar scent.

"I love you too."

"Come on, honey. You're going to embarrass her. Let's let her be a big girl now." My mom says after a few seconds.

"Okay. I love you guys." I say as they leave the room, waving and looking over their shoulders. Suddenly, I'm all alone in my freshman dorm, unpacking my clothes. A knock on the door jolts me out of my thoughts. Maybe it's finally my roommate. I open the door with a smile on my face to see a tall guy. I guess my expression gives it away that I was expecting someone else because he chuckles.

"Hi, I'm Shawn Mendes, the RA for this dorm. You must be Y/N." He extends his hand. I shake it politely.

"Um, yeah. Nice to meet you Shawn. Is this your junior year?" I try to spark conversation.

"Well, no. I'm a sophomore, but they let me be a resident assistant because this is a freshman dorm, and no offense, but the upperclassmen all hate freshman. They all refused to live here so I got the job." He explains, his eyes sparkling from his smile. He is so well spoken. It almost shocks me.

"Oh, cool."

"Anyways, I thought I would swing by and introduce myself. If you need anything, I'm on the second floor in the guy's hallway. Nice to meet you."

We exchange quick goodbyes, then I shut the door behind me and blush. Absolutely nothing could prepare me for the RA in my dorm, and his incredibly attractive features. But I guess that's just college for you.



I literally can't believe that I am going to college in just a few short years. It makes me sad to think about moving away from my family.

QOTD: What do you want to major in when you go to college?

AOTD: Biology

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