6: Adopting

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Shawn's POV:

I hold her tightly to my chest as she sobs, tears forming in my own eyes.

"Shawn, I can't do this anymore." She cries. I stroke her hair softly, thinking of how to reply to her. This is the second time we have lost a baby.

"I know, baby girl. Its okay." I respond, kissing her Y/C/H (A/N: Your color hair) hair. She sniffles and sits up. I wipe the tears away from her red, puffy eyes as the doctor comes back into the room, carrying a clipboard full of papers.

"Alright, Mr. and Mrs. Mendes. I understand that this is your second miscarriage. Am I correct?" He asks. Y/N and I nod sadly. A sympathetic look covers the doctors face before he continues.

"I absolutely hate to have to tell couples this, however, you guys may never be able to have a biological child." He finishes. It takes a couple of seconds for it to sink in, but the second it does, Y/N goes into a fit of sobbing, nodding to show the doctor she understands.

"S-so wh-what do y-you sug-suggest?" She stutters in between sobs. I stroke her hair as a knot forms in the back of my throat, from trying to hold back tears. I have to stay strong for my princess.

"Well, there is an adoption agency across the street. You all can check that out. I am so sorry, Mrs. Mendes." He lightly pats her arm before turning out of the room. Y/N sobs even harder as I let a single tear roll down my cheek.

After another couple of minutes, we gather our overnight things and make our way out of the hospital.

"Okay, Shawn. I think we should go see the adoption agency. I can't live without having a child." Y/N mutters as we climb into my Jeep. I start the car, thinking about what she said.

"Okay, we'll go check it out." I say, turning onto the busy road. It doesn't take us long to find the small little agency nestled in a row of small shops.

Y/N's POV:

"Oh, Shawn look at him." I say, admiring all the small details of this little boy's face. His long platinum blonde hair falls over his face, and his piercing green eyes stare at me, terrified. His little hands are clenched up into fists, and he is sitting criss cross on the floor, surrounded by little blocks.

"The orphanage named him Kaeson Alexander. Of course, you guys can change it if you decide to adopt him." Bailey, the social worker, hands Shawn and I another photo. In this one, he is laughing, as he sits in a swing.

"Where did you say he was from again?" Shawn rubs my arm, picking up the picture.

"Uh, he is actually from a small town in Ireland, Kinsale." She replies. I look up to Shawn.

"He's beautiful! Do you want to talk about this for a minute?" I ask, standing up from the chair. Shawn follows.

"Okay!" He answers rather enthusiastically. We move over to a small corner.

"I really do love him, Shawn." I explain. He rubs the back of his neck.

"Are you sure we aren't rushing into this babe?" He asks.

"Shawn, I literally don't think I can live without having a kid. And this may be the only chance we have to get this little one."


"I understand. It's okay. We'll wait a little while."

At this point I am holding back tears. Shawn lightly grabs my wrist as I turn away.

"No, Y/N, that's not what I meant. Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks, pulling me into a hug. I nod.

"Okay then, lets go talk to Bailey."

Three years later:

"Kaeson Alexander, get off of the couch like that." I raise my voice a little bit, and he quickly slides down into a sitting position. The door to the garage opens and Shawn comes in.

"Hey, babe? How's the baby?" He asks, coming over to me and my bulging belly.

"Any day now!" I reply as he bends down and kisses my stomach. Little Maria kicks, and Shawn chuckles before standing and pressing his lips to mine.

"Eww, daddy! That's gross!" Kaeson comes toddling into the kitchen, and Shawn pulls away.

"Hey, buddy! How did your first test in second grade go?" He asks, bending down and scooping Kaeson up. He giggles his cute little laugh before responding.

"I got a hundred percent!" He exclaims, excitedly. Shawn kisses him on the head before sitting him down.

"Way to go Kase!" He praises as Kaeson goes off to play.


Okay, so yeah. Today is Tuesday. What?
I decided that I will be uploading on Tuesdays AND Thursdays on some weeks because I just had a surge of ideas and yeah. P.S. Tonight I get to go see Straight No Chaser front row. Yeah 😍!!! And the little boy at the top is what I thought Kaeson would look like!

I hope you all liked this!! Vote, comment, share, and ask for one if you liked this!!!

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