66: Don't leave me

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Shawn's POV:

"Come on, Shawn. It was only a couple of drinks. I'm completely fine to drive." Ian takes my arm.

"Ian, I don't think you're okay." I say.

"I'm perfectly fine."  He grins. Although everything in me is telling me not to get in the car with him, I slide into the passenger seat anyways.

"I'm trusting you, man." I take a deep breath in and rub my tear ducts, exhaustion taking over. Just as Ian starts the car, I open my eyes.

"Stop, Ian, I'll drive." I start to open the passenger side door.

"Fine, whatever." He answers. I take a deep calming breath in and switch seats, then pull out of the parking garage.

"Turn on the radio, please. I need to hear the weather." I politely ask. Ian switches the radio on just as a drop of rain hits the windshield.

"Severe storms have hit the Pickering area.  You can expect driving rain and winds up to seventy miles per hour in some areas. If you are at home, be sure to stay away from all windows and stay in the downstairs areas of your home. If you are out driving it is recommended to pull off the roads and turn on your lights until the visibility increases enough so you can drive." The radio instructs. As if it was cued, torrential rain begins to fall from the sky. Even though the windshield wipers are moving at their fastest speeds, it's still hard to see. I slow down and pull onto one of the back roads to my house, a shortcut I normally take.

My phone starts to ring from my back pocket, and I quickly glance down to grab it.

"Shawn!" Ian yells, and I look up to only see bright white head lights.


"Hello?" I answer. A crack of thunder shakes the house.

"Ms. Y/L/N?" The voice sounds a little less than 25 years old.

"Yes? May I ask who's calling?" I bite at my thumbnail, a bad habit of mine.

"This is the Toronto General hospital. You're fiancé, Shawn Mendes was brought into the emergency room about fifteen minutes ago, and he isn't in good condition." Her tone is hushed and calming, trying to soothe the growing pit in my stomach.

"O-Okay, I'll be ri-right there." I stutter, hanging the phone up. I can't breathe. I can't cry. I can't do anything except for drive as quickly as I can through the rain to get to Shawn. I'm in shock. Why Shawn? Why the love of my life? Fear makes the blood rushing through my veins ice cold as I run through the emergency room doors. I feel my body slam into another body, but I'm blinded by the crippling terror of losing Shawn.

"Shawn Mendes." I scream, barely reaching the desk. I can feel the judgmental stares of strangers burning uncomfortable holes into my back.

"Yes ma'am, room 4 in the critical care unit." The woman replies calmly. I burst into the ER through the sterile white doors, and I am met with the familiar smell of cleaning alcohol. I begin to run down the fluorescently lit hallways, desperately searching for Shawn's room.

"Don't leave me." I breathe to myself.

"Ma'am, I am going to have to ask you to stop running." Someone slides in front of me.

"Help me find my fiancé please, critical care room 4. Please I'm begging you." I pant, out of breath. The nurse that stopped me sighs, her face growing white. But I'm too freaked out to notice.

"This way, young lady." She says gently. I follow her too-slow pace through the hallways and through another set of doors, this time blue. The unit is eerily quiet, the only sounds coming from the heart monitors and breathing machines as we pass each room. The nurse motions to a room in front of me, and I take a deep breath before I push the thin curtain out of the way. And then the tears come.

It's empty.



I'm just going to leave this alone... no part two...

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AOTD: Altar'd State... Dude I could freaking live in that store.

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