72: Feelings (request)

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Here's another request for Estoniangurll because she's awesome!

Anna's POV:

"How much?" I ask, shyly.

"Four thousand a month." Andrew replies. My eyes widen.

"Can I get back to you on that?" I try to process what he said.

"I'm sorry, Anna, but I need an answer immediately. We really want you for this job. There are still girls out there. We can easily just go out there and grab another one-"

"Okay, fine. I'll take it." I cut him off, falling into his trap. He smirks.

"Perfect. Shawn, come in here and meet your new girlfriend." He calls. A tall teenage boy comes into the room and looks up at me. We make eye contact almost instantly. Butterflies swarm my stomach and fireworks begin to explode in my eyes.

Holy crap, I think I'm in love. No, it's way to early.

I scan him over with my eyes. He has a slight lazy eye and a scar right next to his nose. He's extremely muscular and so tall.

"Anna?" Andrew's voice snaps me out of my staring.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry. Hi, I'm Anna." I say, extending my hand out to whom I assume is Shawn.

"Shawn." He simply says, gently shaking my hand. We connect eyes again, and the same feeling bubbling up again, causing my heart to flutter.

"Okay, love birds, you two actually have your first date in half an hour, so Anna, I'll dismiss you to go home and get ready. We'll be there to get you in half an hour." Andrew says. I take one last longing look at Shawn. I really think I'm in love.

Shawn's POV:
Three months later

"I'm telling her. You can't stop me. It's important." I retaliate.

"Whatever, Shawn. I just think it's too early." He replies.

"Andrew, I fell in love with her the second my eyes made contact with hers. I felt a thread pulling the two of us together. I'm not going to try and hide my feelings anymore. I love Anna. I love everything about her. I love the way her eyes squint shut when she laughs. I love when she has the hiccups because her entire body bounces with it. I live being around her because she always, without fail, makes me smile. I won't let anyone control my feelings anymore. So without anyone stopping me, I am going to tell her that I really love her." I explain, glancing around the room.

Standing by the door is Anna's figure.

"Anna?" I call. She sheepishly steps further into the room, and with some further investigating, I realize she has tears brimming in her eyes.

"Is that how you really feel about me?" Her voice is as quiet as a whisper. I nod and close the gap between us as quickly as possible, moving her perfect hair out of her perfect face.

"I meant every word. When you were hired to be my girlfriend, I knew you were something special." I smile.

"I feel the exact same way! My eyes landed on you and butterflies swarmed my stomach. It was like I was in third grade on the playground and my crush had waved at me. I haven't felt that in years. I love when you'll randomly start singing. I love watching your passion as you meet fans. I love your constantly happy mood. I'm in love with you, Shawn Mendes. And I don't ever want to hide it again." She says in a sing-song voice.

"I love you too, Anna. Be my girlfriend? I mean for real?" I ask. She giggles, then nods.

"I'm so glad I don't have to hide my feelings anymore." She says as she hugs me.


I hope you like it Anna! It was crazy fun to write. I literally felt the butterflies in Anna's stomach as I wrote it!

When ever school starts back up, I will no longer be taking requests. I have an AP class, so I will need to put all of my free time into that! But I will be doing requests for the rest of the summer!

QOTD: Favorite movie series?

AOTD: Harry Potter for life boiiiiiiii

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