65: Stockholm Syndrome (Request) Part 1

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This imagine is for Estoniangurll so I hope you like it girly!

Anna's POV:

"Get back here." His voice is stern as I shy away.

"What do you want?" I grit my teeth. His face is inches from mine, but it's so dark that I still can't see him very well.

"Your name. Your real name." He demands. Fear begins to take over and cloud my brain.

"Anna." I whisper.

"Well, Anna, you're coming home with me tonight." He says roughly, grabbing my arm. He begins to lead me down the dark alley.

"Can I at least know your name?" I whimper. His grip on my arm grows tighter. I should have known this would have happened. Never trust people on the internet.

"No. Now shut up and act like you're happy with me." He growls as we reach the end of the alley. Instead of screaming for help like a smart person would do, I listen to his harsh words repeating in my mind, being sure to keep a smile on my face and staying at his pace so it didn't look like he was dragging me.

We reach his discrete Ford F150 and I slowly climb into the passenger seat while he takes the driver's.

"Get in the back." He says coldly, keeping his face turned away from me.

"No, I'm comfortable here." I retort. His hand raises and I cringe, preparing for the blow.

"Get in the back." He repeats. I glance up to see his dark hood off his head giving me the first actual glance of his face.

He's young and pretty good looking. There's a small scar under his right eye, and his left eye is a little bit lazy.

"Do I have to repeat myself again?"

"N-no." I stutter as I climb into the back seat of the pickup. He starts the car and pulls off the curb.

"So, Anna, now that you've seen my face..." He pauses to think, "Shawn."

"Wait what?"

"Shawn. My name is Shawn." He looks back into the backseat a little. "And I'm sorry."

"For what? Taking me away from my entire life? Holding me against my will?" I start to choke back tears.

"Yeah, that."

"Why are you doing this to me?" I slowly begin to cry. He stays silent until we reach a surprisingly nice apartment complex.

"Act like you're happy again." His voice is back to the same cold tone it was before. I get out of the back of the truck and resist every urge to run, not wanting to know the consequences. We take the elevator up to the third floor with my arm laced through his through the hallways and to the master suite on the floor. Shawn unlocks the door and lets me in first, practically shoving me into the  apartment.

"This is where you will be staying for a while, so get comfortable." He says. I step in a little farther and look around.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I repeat from earlier.

"I was planning to do it just because you were easy bait..." He pauses and I turn to look at him.

"But..." I prod. His face softens a little and he moves his hand to the back of his neck.

"But nothing. Do you know how to cook?" He's back to the way he was before as if a switch had flipped. He's worse than a teenager with mood swings.

"Uh, yeah a little." I stutter, kind of taken aback by the question.

"Make me dinner. I can't stand another night of pizza." He throws himself onto the couch and turns on the most annoying action movie ever.

"What would you like? I ask, having to yell over the TV.

"Was that being sarcastic?" His voice is deep and threatening as he presses mute on the movie.

"No not at all... I was just wondering what you wanted to eat." I bend my head down to look at the floor.

"Oh. Well then you can make anything that's in the fridge or the freezer. I'll make you go to the grocery with me tomorrow to pick up more food." He settles back on the couch and turns the volume back up.

I hate the word 'make'. You can't make me do anything unless you have a gun to my head, which is basically the situation I am in.

"Whatever." I mumble. It doesn't take me long to throw the frozen chicken strips into the oven and to call Shawn over so he can get ready to eat.

"Okay, look, Anna. I thought you would be easy bait, sure, but I think I'm honestly in love with you." He says as he sits down. I begin to freak out a little, doubting every thing he's saying until I look up and make eye contact with him. He's being entirely serious. And that's when I realize something.

"I feel the same way."


Hey Anna! I hope you like it girly! If you don't, be completely honest with me and message me so I can change what you don't like about it!

QOTD: What would be the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?

AOTD: I would buy plane tickets to go see Shawn in San Antonio

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