89: Hopelessly in Love

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Shawn's POV:

"Shh, we'll get caught." She whispers. I smile and lean in, keeping my lips inches from hers. Cricket chirps surround us as I feel her warm breath against my parted lips.

"I know." I keep my voice quiet before moving my head back a little, resting it on the hard ground below me. She blushes in the dark, keeping her arms braced on each side of my head. I adjust myself a little to where her body is still on top of mine, but it's much easier for her to rest her head on my chest.

She gladly takes the opportunity and lays her head on me, snuggling it up under my chin. She pulls her arms in, holding them to her own chest.

"It's so pretty out here." She mumbles. I wrap my arms around her back holding her tightly to me. She begins to shiver a little as a light evening breeze brushes through the trees around us.

"It's my favorite place to go when I need an escape." I reply. "I just wish we didn't have to hide our relationship like this."

"Me either, Shawn. But you know my parents don't like you. This is so reckless of me." She says. The leaves overhead rustle, giving some sort of effect to her words. She pulls the sleeves of her sweater over her hands then cuddles back up on me. I flutter my eyes shut and listen to her breathing for a second.

"If you want, we can head back, Y/N."

"No, please stay."

A pair of headlines light the trees around us for only a second before the woods go back to being dark.

"Are you sure you want to be doing this? I don't want you to get in trouble with your parents." I speak, closing my eyes again. She remains silent before she moves her hands to my hair, playing with it gently.

"I could care less what my parents think right now. They don't understand."

"I know, but I can't stand to see you get in trouble."

"I can handle myself. I'm not a little girl anymore. My parents need to see that." She says.

"Why me? Why didn't you sneak out with another guy your parents don't like. I mean, if you were going to try and piss them off, I bet there are better choices." I chuckle lightly.

"Because I don't like any of those other guys. To be quite frank, they're all jerks. You're different." She sighs.

"What did you mean when you said your parents won't understand?" I ask after a couple of seconds of calming silence.


"You said your parents won't understand. What won't they understand?"

"That I'm already hopelessly in love."


This was supposed to be based off of a Taylor Swift song, but it kinda went in a different direction. I do that sometimes. Oops. Just fyi, I'll be doing some sort of double update next week, cause in two weeks, I'll be in Grand Cayman without cell service or wifi...

QOTD: Fave female artist?

AOTD: Christina Perri is fantastic, and so is Ariana Grande. She's queen.

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