53: Silent treatment

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Y/N's POV:

"Y/N, kitten, I'm home." Shawn calls. I hear his keys rattle as he sets them on the counter, and all though I want to respond, I cross my arms and keep my attention on the TV.

"Y/N?" He says again. I don't look up at him as he comes into the room.

"Baby doll, look I'm sorry, please, can we just talk this out?" He tries to bargain with me, sitting down on the brown suede couch beside me. I again ignore him, keeping my eyes glued to the weather for tomorrow. He reaches to the table beside the couch and presses the power button on the remote. The screen on the TV flickers to black, so I push myself off the couch and slowly make my way upstairs to our bedroom.

I know the silent treatment is childish and petty, but I honestly can't think of any other way to punish him, other than no sex. Which doesn't help because I'm already on my period.

Shawn comes into the room and watches me as I begin to clean up a little.

"Can you please say something?" He mumbles, leaning against the doorframe.

"I have nothing to say." I sigh, picking up a pair of his boxers off the floor from a couple of nights ago.

"Look, I'm sorry princess, okay?" He repeats himself from earlier.

"Sorry doesn't work." I reply, shortly.

"What do you mean? This is over something so little. I don't understand. I've said I'm sorry a million times, but you just won't listen." He explains, throwing himself on the bed like a two year old.

"Well, you know what Shawn? Sorry doesn't bring back my M&Ms."


Okay so I totally stole this from twmendes and her imagine book, but I changed it a little and I just kept the idea. If she wants me to take this down, I will, but I told her I was taking it and that I would credit her so...

QOTD: Favorite candy?

AOTD: Reese's

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