21: First impressions

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Y/N's POV:

"Y/N?" Shawn's voice comes from outside my room, startling me. I reach over and grab my silvery cross-body purse off my bed.

"Yeah, hold on." I reply, looking in the mirror one last time. I have to look perfect if I'm going to have people from all over the world watching my every move. I only agreed to go to this award show with Shawn so his fans can 'meet' me.

I grab my shoes off the floor, and quickly open the door to the room. Shawn is standing there in a black tux with a tie to match my dress.

"Wow, Y/N. Just another reason why my fans are going to love you. Oh, and you get to meet my parents too! They decided to come!" He smiles, resting his hands on my hips. My smile drops as a pit of nerves forms in my stomach.

"Holy crap, I think I'm going to throw up." I turn away from him, and begin to pace, biting my thumbnail on the hand not holding my shoes and purse.

"What? What's wrong, kitten?" Shawn adjusts his tie.

"You didn't tell me that your parents are going to there!" I raise my voice a little and turn around to go into the kitchen, my bare feet hitting the cold linoleum tiles. Shawn follows quickly behind me, watching me as I sit down in one of the hightop chairs to put on my strappy heels.

"Come on babe, don't worry 'bout it! You look absolutely perfect! They are going to love you!" He smiles as I zip up my left shoe.

"I'm not worried about that." I sigh, preparing to stand up. He places his hand on my dress, keeping me in my place.

"Are you worried that they are going to think that we have had sex?"

"No. Wait, yes. Back up. I'm just scared that they are going to think that you've laid me and then they are going to think I'm a slut." I stutter, freaking out.

"First of all they aren't going to think we've quote 'laid' each other." He pauses, allowing me to stand, taking my hand in his. We walk hand in hand, Shawn behind me, to the door.

"And..." I prompt, stopping to unlock the door. Shawn's arms slide around my waist, keeping me from moving.

"They know their sweet little innocent son wouldn't do that." He finishes, kissing my neck in between words. I giggle, pulling away.

"We have to go." I smile, opening the door. Shawn chuckles, taking my hand and following me out.


Shawn's POV:

"Mum, dad, this is Y/N, my amazing girlfriend." I squeeze Y/N's hand to give her some comfort. She smiles, extending to hand not connected to mine towards my parents.

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Mendes." She says. My mum reaches over and shakes her hand.

"You can call us Karen and Manny!" My mum says. I look down at Y/N to see her bright red, then bend down a little to kiss her on the head.

"Alright, guys. I love you, but we have an after party that we have to be at like right now, so I'll see you later." I check my watch, preparing to move along, but my dad pulls me down a little so he can whisper in my ear.

"Good job, son. I'm proud of you. And Y/N seems like a good girl." He mutters. I smile and wrap my free arm around him.

"I love you! She'll be happy to hear that." I reply, pulling back. With one last shared smile, Y/N and I begin to walk to the after party, hand in hand.


How'd you like it? Vote, comment and share! And I am going to try to update my other story 'Act like you love me' either tomorrow or the next day!

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