19: Slip away Pt. 2

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Shawn's POV:

"Tell me the truth, Shawn. Did you lose your feelings for me over tour?"

I look down at the ground as heat rises in my cheeks. I knew she would find out. She knows me to well.

"Y/N, the ten months I've been on tour, I've met so many girls, and-"

"So, what? You met another girl?" A tear slides down her face, and a pang of guilt hits me in my chest.

"Um, yeah, if you wanna say it like that. We aren't dating though, I was waiting until I got back so I could-"

"Break up with me. I get it. That problem is out of the way now. So what's her name?" She chokes out.


"Oh, well I'm glad you've found yourself a new girl." Y/N says, snidely. Immediately, I regret texting Reagan to come meet Y/N as, coincidentally, her black car pulls into a parking spot beside us.

We stand in silence as Y/N follows my gaze over to Reagan who is climbing out of the car.

"Hi, Shawn!" She squeals, running over to me. The second she reaches me, her arms fly around my neck, pulling me in for a hug. I hug her back, but only shortly.

"Hi, is this your friend you were talking about?" Reagan turns around after I release her to see Y/N, shellshocked.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm just a fan. I just wanted a picture." Y/N says glaring at me as, tears stream down her cheeks.

It hurts to hear her say that, and it hurts ten times worse to watch as she turns and walks inside without another word. The girl who I loved just left my life.

Reagan looks up at me and slides her arm around my waist.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, but I have a question. I want you to go
out with me." I take the leap of faith before I can look back. I need to get away from Y/N. I have Reagan now.

"Really? Yes!" She says, excitedly.

I'm happy. I'll admit it. But I was happier with Y/N.

"Awesome! But right now I'm starved, so we should go get something to eat." I take her hand and we walk inside together. My eyes scan the small restaurant to look for Y/N, but I don't see her or her sister.

Good. Maybe now I'll be able to forget.

But something tells me this won't just go away.


Wow. That was sad. Okay. Cool.

Anyways, vote, comment, and share! *Mwah* *Big bear hug* Love you guys!

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