104: Break (Request)

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This is for the lovely catchingmendes because she's pretty cool!

Shanelle's POV:

"I need to get some air." Shawn stutters. My hands become clammy as I follow him out into the dark night.

"Shawn, wait." I call after him. He stops in his tracks, resting his weight on his left leg and facing away from me. "Please, can we just talk about this?"

"What's there to talk about, Shanelle? How long have you known?" He spins on the ball
of his foot to look at me.

"What was I supposed to do Shawn?"

"That's not answering my question." He starts to raise his voice.

"3 months. I've known for three months." I mutter.

"You've known for 3 months that you'd be moving 600 miles away to go to school." He grits his teeth and rage makes his eyes black.

"What was I supposed to do?" I repeat, balling my fists.

"You should have told me!" He's almost yelling now. I cower away from his words.

"I couldn't make myself." I retort. He puts the palms of his hands over his eyes then pulls them away quickly.

"Why? It's not hard for you to have just told me."

"I couldn't hurt you like that, Shawn."

"You know what hurts worse, Shanelle? It's finding out from your parents. You've been lying to me for three months and-"

"Woah, what? I haven't lied to you at all." His eyes are staring into mine, dark and full of anger, something I never see in him.

"Why can't you just admit that you're wrong?" He is yelling as loud as he can at this point.

"So now I'm wrong for protecting you?" The volume of my voice matches his. My body is trembling from my anger, and tears are forming in the corner of my deep brown eyes.

"You didn't protect me Shanelle, because it hurts more now than it would have if you had told me when you had found out." He shouts. I run my fingers through my curly hair and take a deep breath, trying to keep the tears from slipping out onto my cheeks.

"What would you have done, Shawn? We can't keep a relationship, or at least a healthy one, if one person is 600 miles away." I choke out. My voice is quieter now. He shifts his body weight onto his right leg and clenches his jaw, breaking our eye contact.

"You still should have told me." He growls.

"Are you expecting me to turn back time to fix it?" We're yelling again. I'm honestly surprised no neighbors have come out of their houses to see what's going on.

A car goes by, and Shawn and I fall silent, watching the headlights as they disappear around a curve.

"Would you change something if you could go back?" Shawn asks. I know that he wants me to say that I would tell him, but I wouldn't, even if I had the chance to go back.

"Maybe I would. This." I say, motioning to the space between us.

"Us?" He clarifies.

"Yeah, I mean, maybe this is just to crazy for us." There's a knot in my throat.

"You right. I can't really be doing this now. Maybe we should take a break." His eyes are watery, obviously holding back tears.

"Okay, deal." I stumble over my words.

"Okay, but you have to promise me something."


"That we're only on break for this weekend."


Hello my lovlie Rice Krispies!! Sorry for all the requests lately! I have one more to put up. I hope you like it Shanelle! If you want me to change anything, message me! So I honestly used an idea from a twinpeakshawn book (It's called Afraid, so if you haven't read it, check it out because it is one of the BEST books on Wattpad) and if she wants me to take this down, I will 102849017%. Anyways, I hope y'all have a good day!

QOTD: What's your biggest fear?

AOTD: I'm terrified of spiders and (this might sound super weird) but I'm irrationally afraid of having to kill somebody.

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