122: Meet the Baby (Request)

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This imagine is for dyenahjane so I hope you all enjoy!

Emily's POV:

"Emily, when is your mom gonna be here?" Shawn asks, rocking the baby in his arms softly.

"She said she'll be here at 4:30 so any minute now." I reply. There is a quiet knock at the front door, and I turn the water off on the sink.

I open the door expecting to see my mom, but instead I see my best friend, Cider.

"Hey Emily. I was in the neighborhood and I thought I would swing by to check on you and Shawn." She gives me a quick hug.

"Well come on in, my mom should be here any second to drop off some food." I open the door a little wider so she can come inside. Shawn comes out of the den.

"Oh, hey! I was expecting Em's mom." He says. She smiles and beelines straight for Shawn and Owen.

"Emily, he's so cute!" She coos. The baby stirs in Shawn's muscular arms, yawning. "Oh my god, if he isn't the cutest baby I've ever seen."

There is another knock at the door, and when I open it, it's my mom. But there are also two other people behind her, two close friends of the family.

"Hi, I hope we're not intruding, but we wanted to check on the new parents. You know, see how you all are holding up." One of them explains.

"Oh, um, we're doing pretty okay, considering we just got home today." I let out an airy laugh. "Come on in. Mom, thank you for bringing those meals over. You can put them in the freezer."

Cider comes up behind me before I can shut the door.

"It was good seeing you again Emily. You and Shawn look so happy together, and your baby boy is so adorable. He looks just like his dad. I've got to head on out, but I'll see you again soon?" She hugs me again.

"Yeah, we'll find a time." I reply, watching my mom and our friends huddle around Shawn.

She leaves, shutting the door behind her so I can go stand by my husband and our newest addition to the family. Owen stirs again, this time opening his eyes a little. He starts to let out small whimpers, so Shawn hands him to me.

"Hey Emily, I'm not going to keep you long, I'm gonna go on into town. I have some errands to run. But Owen is the cutest little boy ever. I love you, enjoy your food." My mom places a kiss on my cheek.

"Love you mom, text me later." I call after her as she goes to the front door. Owen starts to cry loudly. "It's time to feed him." I mumble.

My family friends leave quickly afterwards so I can feed my son in privacy.

"So, what was up with your best friend. She's never in our part of the state." Shawn asks a I let Owen start to feed.

"You know why everyone came by, right? She just wanted to meet the baby." I answer.


I hope you liked it Emily! If there is anything you want me to change, message me and I'll take care of it!

QOTD: What is your favorite fruit?

AOTD: Either blueberries or strawberries.

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