30: Maybe... (Request)

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Imagine for: vevoshawn

Vivian's POV:

"Shawn!" I giggle. He continues to torture me, tickling my sides with his warm hands. With one last chuckle, he sits back against the bed, the headboard hitting the wall again.

"C'mere." He holds his arms out, and I crawl into his warm embrace, taking in his clean scent.

"I love you." I murmur. His heartbeat helps me relax as his hands lightly stroke my strawberry blonde hair.

"I'm so glad I married you, Vivi. I can't wait until we have kids." He replies. A smile creeps across my face. Although I had thought of having kids, it's never really crossed my mind since Shawn and I got married. We've been in complete paradise from the moment we said I do.

"Oh really?" I challenge with a light laugh. His strong arms squeeze me gently as he reciprocates my laugh.

"Really! I wonder what it may be? Maybe a girl." He states, thinking out loud. I sit up a little bit so I can look him in the eyes.

"Or a boy. As talented and handsome as you."

"Hm, I don't know. I see a girl. She has your beautiful blue eyes, and your absolutely adorable laugh. She loves to dance, like you, and not to mention that she is amazing at it. She's strong, and friendly. She's gorgeous. Just like her mom."

Tears well up a little in my eyes as I smile at the thought of a sweet little princess running around the house barefoot, and dancing with her daddy.

"Now on the other hand," I start, "I can imagine a little boy. He has a passion for music, and he has your perfect hair and eyes. He knows how to treat a girl like a lady, and he's loyal. He's one hell of a singer, which he totally got from his dad. And he is sweet and protective to his other siblings."

I can see it now. Looking out the kitchen window as I get Shawn and I a cold glass of sweet tea, and seeing our little boy wrestle his dad into the dirt. And later on that night, tracking mud through the house as he chases me with his dirty hands.

"What if we have both? We could name the little girl Vivian!" Shawn's eyes light up.

"Maybe not that, but I like Blake for a little girl."

"I love that! For a little boy we could do Carter."

"Can you imagine two little Mendes babies running around the house?" I giggle again. He smiles, pulling me back into his chest.

"I love you, Vivian. You mean the world to me. I can't wait until we have kids." He mumbles, pressing his lips to the top of my head.

We fall into silence, and his soothing heartbeat lulls me into peaceful, light sleep.


This is hands down on of my favorites that I've ever written. I hope you like it Vivian!!! Vote, comment, and share if you guys liked it!

QOTD: Do you have any special talents?
AOTD: No. I am a boring potato.

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