17: 7 minutes

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Y/N's POV:

"Alright, Eva, truth or dare?" I ask, taking another drink. She grins.

"Truth." She smirks. The circle goes silent as we try and think of an extremely intrusive question.

"Oh, okay. When was the last time you had sex with Dylan?" Shawn pipes up from across the circle. She crosses her legs.

"Um, right before y'all came over." She clears her throat. Dylan winks and bites his lip, and an uncomfortable silence replaces the laughter.

"Alright, Y/N, it's your turn. Truth or dare." Dylan looks over at me, breaking the silence.

"Dare." I say instantly. The circle sits back. I am the only one to choose dare this whole game.

"Okay, you put on a blindfold and play seven minutes in heaven." He replies. I swallow. For some reason, I don't feel comfortable being locked in a closet with someone I don't know who it is for seven minutes. Before I can let my courage drop, I take another drink and stand up.

"Bring it." I say, pretending to crack my neck. The group chuckles, and Eva stands up, taking off the bandana she had on, then helps me slide it over my eyes. She then takes my hand after a couple of seconds and connects it with someone else's. His hand is strong, yet soft as it leads me to the coat closet in the hallway.

My breath catches in my throat as I hear the door shut behind us, then the click of the lock locking. The next thing I know, a pair of soft lips are against mine, and a pair of hands are resting on my waist, pulling me to a very muscular body. Suddenly, I'm not afraid of kissing this guy back. I move arms up around his neck in one fluid motion.

The guy moves deeper into the kiss, running his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance.


I don't know how I know, I just know. I'm kissing my best friend. I push back off of him, reaching up to slide my bandana off.

I open my eyes, and even though its pitch black, my eyes are already adjusted to the darkness since my bandana was covering them.

"Shawn!" I exclaim. He gives me a quick grin, then moves his lips over to my neck.

"Shawn, please. We are best friends-" I start, but he finds my sweet spot, earning a light moan from me to cut me off.

"I know. But you have no clue how long I've been wanting to do this." He whispers. I can feel his warm breath against my neck, which sends chills up my back. I try to protest, but he crashes his lips against mine. And I don't want him to stop.

His hand slide down to the hem of my shirt, resting on the skin just underneath, never breaking the kiss. His hands are cold as the adventure around to my back, finding my bra clasp and undoing it. His tongue again begs for entrance, and this time, I allow him in.

The kiss becomes even more passionate before we break apart only to pull my shirt off. He takes a couple of seconds after I pull off my bra to admire my chest before his lips are against my collarbone, and he is helping me pull his shirt over his head. He slides his one of his hands down into my shorts, keeping the other hand on my back to push my chest closer to him as he kisses it. I moan, throwing my head back a little.

Shawn chuckles, moving back up to lightly peck my lips before pulling away, and pulling his hands out of my pants.

"What?" I open my eyes, not even realizing I had closed them to see him putting his shirt on.

"The timer is going off. They put it right by the door so they wouldn't have to come and get us. Especially since they thought we would been banging each other already." He runs his fingers through his hair before he tosses me my shirt and bra. Disappointed, I put them back on and Shawn opens the door to the tiny closet.

They did this to set us up. They've told me that they were going to try and hook us up, but I never believed them. And so they lock us in a closet and try to get us to 'bang each other'.

"Wow, I'm surprised y'all came out." Eva giggles as we walk into the living room. Shawn blushes and rubs his hands together.

An hour later after the party thing

"Go out with me." Shawn's voice is quiet and I'm taken aback. I look over at him to see his hands stuffed into his pocket, and his eyes watching the ground in front of him. We continue to walk to his car as I think about what just happened.

"I'm sorry?" I ask, clearing my throat. He smirks a little as we reach his car.

"You heard me. I want to take you on a date, tomorrow night." He says. I turn to look at him and he lightly pins his my body to the side of his car with his.

"Um... Okay." I reply after a second. A smile lights up his face and he locks his lips with mine. Then we get into the car and he drives me home with only a wink as I climb out of the car at my house.


This is hands down one of my favorite ones I have ever written. Idk why it just is. Vote, comment and share if you like it, and message me if you want one.

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