mystery man *edited*

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I woke up this morning with a perky grin on my face. I usually am an irritable person in the morning but today was altered. I walked in to my closet, throwing on my diner uniform.

I walk downstairs to find my parents nowhere to be found. I sigh, grabbing my bag and walking out the door towards my parent’s diner.

As I walked through the longstanding town, I passed the ancient, brick manor that the Malik’s owned. I really can’t say that I know them because apparently only one man is left in their family and it’s a man named, James Malik. Many call that house and James himself the “sketchy” side of town. All I know is that he never leaves the old manor, only a couple times a month.

“Victoria hurry up, you have tables to clean.” My mother yells from the door of the diner.

I roll my eyes and hurry towards the diner. I walk in and hang my coat on the coat rack. “Good morning sweetheart.” My mom smiles, throwing me an apron. I smile and tie the apron around my waist. “Now get to work.” She winks, heading back in to the kitchen.

I sigh, hearing the welcome bell go off a couple of times. I do my job by asking the questions they could really care less about, all they want is their food and to leave.

“Good morning welcome to Vic’s Diner, what would you like?” I question, looking down at my paper.

“That’s really no way to treat a customer.” The male voice verbalizes. I scoff, looking up at the grouchy customer but I lose all my sarcastic words when I see his face. He had golden eyes with specks of brown littering the sphere. “Um, what would you like to drink?” I ask feeling jumpy.

“Just water would be nice.” He whispers. I nod, running to the kitchen. He had an enigmatic aura surrounding him that made me feel strange. I filled the plastic glass cup with tap water and hurriedly brought It back to him, setting it on his table. “Would you like anything to it?” I ask nervously.

“How about a piece of that coffee cake.” He replies in a husky, gruff voice, pointing towards the glass case with a fresh cake sitting there, waiting to be cut.

I nod, walking over to the case and pulling out the cake.

I grab the knife and start cutting the perfect amount of cake till my dad bumps in to me and scaring me, making me jolt the knife resulting in me getting a nasty cut. I wince, grabbing a rag to clot the blood. “Go clean that.” My mom commands, gesturing towards my bloody hand. I nod, walking towards the large, steel sink.

Once I clean my wound and bandage it, I cut a new piece of cake and start over to the table with the dark, erotic man but he’s gone. I set the cake on the counter top and walk towards the booth.

A flat ten dollar bill is set under his glass of water. I look around muddled on where he could’ve went so swiftly. I decide to ignore the odd customer and continue on with my busy day.

Once night fell and the last customer walked out the door, my father and mother walk out of the kitchen door. “We have dinner with the Michaels tonight so lock up tonight, kiddo.” My father smile waving goodbye. Once they are out the door, I start cleaning the floors and tables.  

Once I make my way towards the kitchen to clean the dishes I hear a crash in the main room. I grab a knife off the kitchen counter and slowly make my way towards the noise. I feel an arm wrap around my waist and grab the knife. I scream, hitting my elbows against the hard figure.

“I’m not going to hurt you, love.” He yells.

I turn around to see the dark haired man from earlier. “What the hell are you doing here?” I yell, pushing him away.

He throws the knife on the ground and exhales. “I just fucking saved your shop from getting robbed, so a thank you would be nice.” He snaps.

“Thank you…” I say out of breath.

“Zayn.” He smiles, finishing my sentence. I nod, catching my breath. “Victoria.” I whisper, holding out my hand and he shakes it lightly. “Thank you so much, if the diner would have been robbed there would be no telling what would happen to me.” I say, laughing lightly.

“I’ve never seen you around town before.” I voice. He shrugs. “I lived here a long time ago but I’ve just gotten back yesterday.” He pronounces, opening the door to the diner for me. “Thank you.” I blush. He nods.

“Do you need me to walk you home?” He probes.

I stop and look at him. “I’ll be fine, but thank you for everything.” I whisper, hugging him lightly. He stays still and doesn’t move.

“Goodbye.” He whispers in a gruff town, hurrying towards his car.

I watch his car drive away and I can’t help but wonder about the mysterious man who saved my life.


edited chapter, it used to be called "You are Different..."




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