dark magic

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Zayn |

I threw my bottle on the ground, following Kyle out the door. "How the hell did they know she was in town." I yell. Kyle shakes his head, walking towards the forest. "Someone must be spying on us for them." He whispered, we ran till we reached the small, ebony shack. Kyle looks around. "I don't smell their scent, they must have relocated." He says. I grind my teeth together, breaking open the door to the small shack. "It's all gone." I whisper.

"Zayn, you need to give them back what they want or they'll destroy her." Kyle says, laying a hand on my shoulder. "I'm not giving them shit, I'll get her on my own." I say harshly. I walk out, making my way out of the woods. "You're gonna get her and yourself killed, you know that right?" Kyle yells after me. I shrug. "The witches aren't gonna do shit to me." I yell.

Victoria |

I awake with a harsh pain slithering through my body. I look around and find my self in a iron cell. "Where the hell am I?" I whisper.
"You're in the witches sanctuary." A voice spoke with elegancy. I looked around. "Why am I here?" I whisper. The voice chuckles. "Your boyfriend didn't tell you?" The voice laughs. I furrow my eyebrows. "Tell me what?" I yell. "He messed with one of our witches, disobeyed our rules about magic, so he is to be punished." They said causally.

"What kind of magic?" I whisper. "Magic that is scarce and deeply terrifying." The voice giggles. I scowl.
"That's all for now, don't want you knowing too much now do we." The voice chuckles. I lean my head against the cell wall. "You know, I've been here since 1876 and I've never seen a mortal brought in here." A voice says.
"Where are you?" I ask. "Looking forward." They whisper. I look towards the front of the cell and see another cell in front of me with a man inside. "I'm Ryan." He smiles. He has pale blue eyes and pale skin. "What are you?" I ask, moving towards the font of the cell. "I'm a vampire." He laughs. "Why are you here?" I whisper. He shakes his head, looking at the scratched markings on his cell wall. "I messed with dark magic, I was put in here as punishment." He says. I nod. "You clearly didn't mess with magic did you." He smiles. I shake my head. "Apparently my boyfriend did." I laugh.

"That's strange." He whispers. I look at him. "What?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Why would they bring you in here when they could easily get him." He whispers. I shrug. "I don't know, Zayn wasn't near me when they came." I say. "Wait did you say zayn?" He asks. I nod. He laughs, shaking his head. "Zayn malik?"
I nod. "Do you know him?" I ask. He nods. "We used to know each other before I got captured, we both got into magic trouble but he got away." He replies. I nod. "Interesting... Can you tell me the whole story." I ask. He laughs, nodding. "Might wanna relax, you're gonna be here for awhile, it's a long story." He chuckles.

"Zayn was in love and her name was..."


this was more of a filler chapter. next chapter will be more interesting and you'll know why the witches want zayn so bad! thanks for reading


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