the other woman

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victoria |

Her name was Della.

The name kept replaying in my head. Why didn't he tell me.

I leaned my head back against the cold brick wall. "Victoria, are you listening?" Ryan says, whisking me out of my day dream. I nod.

"Well, they were deeply in love, even talked about marriage and kids.." He speaks before I cut him off. "Cut the lovey dovey shit, I don't care about hearing it." I snap. He laughs. "She was killed by the witches, So Zayn has always had a grudge against them." He chuckles.

"And Zayn being Zayn decides to some how do something bad to them, so now that you're here it's time for payback." He whispers. I stare at the carvings on my cell wall. "So basically I have a death sentence." I whisper, my tone full of hate. A sudden slam of a door, pulls us out of conversation. I bowl of slimy soup slides in to my cell. "Eat up." A sinister voice spits.

I scoff, kicking the bowl. "Well since you won't eat, might as well go ahead and start." The voice snaps. The cell door opens and a middle-aged woman lifts me up by my hair and guides me out of the cell. I cringe in pain as I'm thrown into what seems to be an old science lab. "Strap her to the cot." An old voice snaps.

I struggle in the woman's arms, kicking and trying to hit her. "I can't contain this kid, sedate her." I hear. I instantly continue to try and get out of her arms then a small pinch in my arm signals that I've lost this battle. I start to see black and my eyes close.


"Make sure she's cuffed tightly." A hushed voice says. I don't dare open my eyes. I want to hear as much as possible. "She will live a life of enduring pain when I'm done with her." Another voice speaks. I feel sharp pains all through my body and I scream in agony. "I knew you were awake, just had to make sure." The woman smiles.

I whimper as my body twitches from pain. "Why do I have to be punished for what Zayn has done?" I spat. She laughs. "You are his weakness." She smirks.

I close my eyes, knowing I've lost. "What the fu ck do you think you're doing?" Zayn yells, the door flying into the shelf. The witches move and start chanting strange words. Zayn attacks the witch that took me in here, she falls to the ground. "Now untie her and that won't happen to one of you." He growls. They keep chanting. I felt a sharp pain in my body, before I blacked out.


I woke up with my limbs sore. I looked to my side and saw zayn with his hands in his hair. "You're awake." He whispers, moving my hair out of my face. "Am I okay?" I ask. Zayn stares into my eyes before answering.

"Victoria you...."


I finally updated lol! I've had writers block so sorry but anyway getting a-little serious because I'm kinda mad.

I get so many comments saying why is this so short blah blah blah. I've said it so many times. "Shorter chapters, longer book"

and another thing. the beginning of my book was written when I was younger and I plan on fixing it up when this book is over. so that's why it's not very good lol

and some of you have to realize I'm in high school and in all honors classes, I have a lot of work to do. so I can't update every two or three days. I'm sorry I can't update when you want.

okay now that all that is over lol hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

Baby I'm A Sinner // z.m.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt