are you stalking me *edited*

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I awake the next morning completely fatigued. All night I had the mysterious man named Zayn clouded my mind. I stretch my firm limbs and walk towards the bathroom, running my fingers through my tangled hair.

“Victoria, you awake?” My mom yells throughout the house. I yawn, making my way downstairs. “Yes.” I reply, sitting on the bar stool laying my head down on the counter. “Sweetheart, you need to start sleeping instead of reading.” My mom whispers.

I exhale and nod, eating the plate of pancakes in front of me.

“You also need to be finding an apartment and starting a life for yourself; you’re twenty-two years old.” She sighs.

“When I get enough money, I will.” I retort. She sighs and walks in to the living room. I finish my pancakes and put my plate in the sink.

The phone begins to ring and I hurry to pick it up. “Hello?” I voice.

“Victoria, can you come over?” My friend Scarlet yells in to the phone. I laugh. “Sure, give me about twenty minutes.” I reply. She hangs up and I make my way towards my room. I change in to my casual clothes and walk to my mom’s car.

As I close the car door I feel an eerie feeling creep through my body. I start the car and make my way towards Scarlet’s house. I feel myself start to zone out to the music before a black mass runs across the road.

I slam on my brakes and my car slides on the wet road, hitting a tree. My head hits my steering wheel, making my vision go in and out. I see another shadowy figure run towards my car door, prying it open. “H-How’d you do that, it was smashed in.” I stutter as the man lifts me in to his arms. I desperately try to keep my eyes open to discover my hero but darkness took over me before I even got the chance.

As I open my eyes bright, white lights blind me before I can even look around. The lights start to dim and I sit up. “Zayn?” I ask looking at him muddled.

He stares at me with beading eyes. “What happened?” I probe.

He stands, walking towards me. “You have a small concussion, other than that you’re okay.” He replies. “What’s the last thing you remember?” He asks.

I shrug. “I remember getting in the car.” I giggle. A small smile forms on his lips.

“How’d you find me?” I ask.

He shrugs. “I was driving my car and saw your car smashed against a tree.” He says bluntly. I nod unsure of his answer. “Are you sure you weren’t stalking me?” I ask with a hint of amusement. He laughs, bringing his lips to my ear.

“Positive.” He whispers, kissing my cheek. 

I redden as he pulls away. “Why’d you move here?” I ask. He rubs the back of his neck before speaking. “I needed a change.” He voices.

As we sat in silence, yells from doctors and nurses outside my door take our attention. I look over to Zayn and see a grave expression on his face.  He exhales, standing hastily. “Stay safe alright?” He verbalizes, opening the door and quickly making his way out of the sterile hospital room.

I sat with a jumbled look on my face as he’s walked out aimlessly for the second time now. The door opens and I get an exultant  feeling, hoping that it’s going to be Zayn walk through the door.

“How are you feeling?” The doctor questions, shutting the door behind him.

I shrug. “My head hurts a little but other than that I feel adequate.” I retort. He nods, writing down some notes on his clipboard.

“If it wasn’t for that dauntless, young man you wouldn’t be in such excellent shape.” He verbalizes, opening the door. “You can leave in a couple of hours, you’re parents are getting some coffee and will be right back.” He smiles, walking out.

As I start to close my eyes my phone starts blaring the awful ringtone. I grab my phone and answer my angry friend. “I know I didn’t come but I got in an accident.” I voice.

She gasps in to the phone. “Oh my god are you okay?” She yells in to the phone. I chuckle. “I’m fine, just a small head injury.” I reply.

“I’m leaving in a couple hours but I’ll come see you another day.” I whisper, feeling drowsy. She sighs, saying a quiet good bye. I set my phone down on the bed side table and lean against the uncomfortable pillow, thinking about all the chaos that has started since that furtive man came to town.

It’s the second time this man has saved my life and I’m pretty sure he was lying when he said he wasn’t stalking me.


this is the edited version of chapter three.




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