maneater *edited*

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I sat on my porch steps in my hiking attire, waiting for Zayn to make an appearance. I’ve been sitting here for over thirty minutes and I’m contemplating going back inside to read. Suddenly a screech disturbs the atmosphere and I look up to see Zayn jump out of his car.

“I’m sorry I’m late.” He rushes. I giggle at his disheveled demeanor. “Its fine, what kept you so long?” I question, getting in to his car. “I was having breakfast with my uncle and I lost track of time.” He voices, getting in the driver’s seat.

I nod, not fully believing his excuse. “I hope you will be able to keep up with me on this hike.” He teases, parking the car in the park. “Whatever, I bet I’m way faster than you.” I laugh, getting out of the car.

“I’ll race you.” I challenge, running towards the forest and over some hills. I hear Zayn laugh behind me and run hastily towards me. He is remarkably fast so I push myself to run faster. I hear Zayn shout my name and I turn, when I do I fall over a rock and land on my face.

“Cute Victoria.” I mutter to myself.

I sit up and see my knee is wounded. It has a long gash from knee cap all the way down to my shin. “Shit.” I exhale. Zayn runs up to me and bends down beside me. “Fuck you are bleeding everywhere.” He whispers, taking off his jacket. I wince as he starts wrapping up my leg using his jacket. “You look like you are about to attack me.” I laugh, looking at his expression.

He chuckles, lifting me up. “I’m going to get my uncle to wrap that properly for you.” He states, setting me in the backseat of his car. He gets in the car and drives quickly towards his house. Once we reach his house, he grabs me and walks me in to his home.

“Zayn, did you do this?” James questions, setting his glass of whiskey on the table. He shakes his head and sets me on the couch. “Go get your first-aid kit.” He commands. James rolls his eyes and walks in to the bathroom to retrieve it. I exhale and look him in the eyes. “You don’t have to be so cruel.” I state.

He chuckles, unwrapping the bloody jacket. “He’s used to it.” He winks, throwing the jacket in the fireplace. “Why the hell did you do that, you could’ve just washed it.” I voice. He chuckles. “I don’t think I can wear another jacket that was soaked In your blood.” He smirks as James comes in and cleans my wound.

“How’d you get this?” He asks, wrapping my leg in white gauze. “I fell trying to beat Zayn in a race.” I whisper embarrassed. He laughs. “Never try and race Zayn, he’s the fastest person I know.” He chuckles. I shrug as he tapes the gauze. “I think I was winning before my career ending injury.” I laugh.

Zayn chuckles as James finishes up my leg. “Just keep the bandages on it and you’ll be fine.” He smiles, walking up the stairs.

Zayn helps me up and guides me towards the door. “Can you take me to the diner; I have a shift in about an hour.” I say as I get in the car. He nods, getting in the car and making his way towards my parent’s diner. Once he parks, I wrap my arms around his neck. “Thank you, even though I got hurt and ruined the date, I still had a fun time just being with you.” I whisper in his ear, kissing his cheek.

Baby I'm A Sinner // z.m.Where stories live. Discover now