your sinner

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Insanity is a lack of reason or good sense. Sometimes I feel as if insanity defines me. Most people would say I have lived in a world on insanity as well.

Sometimes I feel as if this is all a ludacris dream that I have yet to wake up from. I look out the window and see the man that has made my life ludacris. I smile, seeing him play with the black haired four year old. 

Things have changed since the voice and the witches. They almost got to me, I almost died. Zayn finally told me his whole story, no more lies were shared between us, but I think Zayn's story should be left for another day.

After the death of the voice, everything seemed to fall in to place.

I blow the steam from my coffee cup, remebering the day he proposed. We were at the cafe that my parents used to own, they died in a car crash two years ago. Zayn was so nervous, his hands were shaking and he almost dropped the ring in my pie.

Then came our wedding day, It was beautiful. I remember walking down the rose covered aisle and seeing Zayn's face. A tear ran down his cheek, leaving a stain. Our first dance was filled with laughs. Zayn thought dance lessons were irrelevant for the wedding but he soon regretted it once we reached the middle of the dance floor. I laugh thinking of the distant memory.

Our honeymoon was mostly spent in bed. The passionate nights still have a permanet mark in my brain. We went to Italy. It was beautiful and relaxing. Every morning I would wake and see him beside me with a single red rose. That week in Italy, I fell more in love.

Then came the birth of our little boy, Isaac Nasir Malik. Nasir meaning protector. I've never seen so much love in Zayn's eyes when Isaac was born. Isaac is a vampire as well. It was 50/50 whether he would be one or not. I guess Zayn's genes won.

Then came the last day as human for myself. After years of going back 'n' forth with the idea I decided to become one. It was scary at first. I had to drink blood and I felt brand new to the world. When I woke up my senses had increased along with my eye sight. Zayn could sense I was scared from the moment his teeth grazed my neck. He stopped himself more than ten times to make sure I really wanted to do this. I think he was more nervous than me.

My life has changed ever since I met Zayn Malik and I wouldn't change a thing about what has happened in my life since Zayn Malik popped in. I smile at the faint memories and turn my attention back toward the window but my two boys were nowhere in sight.

"Mommy, look what I found!" Isaac yelled, jumping in my lap. He opens his hand, showing me a catapillar. I smile, ruffling his hair. "It's beautiful." I laugh as Zayn lifts him in the air, moving him around like he's an airplane.

I look at Zayn and see love and kindness in his eyes.

"Mommy, daddy and me are gonna go play at the park." Isaac yells, giggling as Zayn tickles him.

I smile. "I'll catch up with you silly boys in a minute." I laugh. They both send me dashing smiles, before they run to the playground.

I didn't expect my life to end up like this. I thought I would still be working in my parents diner with a college boyfriend whom partied alot but that mentality changed when a certain vampire came in to town and completely stole my heart. 

We've been through many things. Such as erasing my memory of him which he knows if he does it again I'll have his head.

"Wait boys, I'm coming!" I yelled, running out of the house.

I catch up to Zayn and Isaac and wrap my arms around Zayn. "I love you." I whisper against his lips.

"I love you too." He smiles, connecting our lips.

"Ew, Mommy and Daddy." Isaac says, covering his eyes. We laugh, grabbing his hands.

I wouldn't change a thing.


Zayn and Victoria lived forever. They traveled the world with their son, Isaac. Once Isaac reached the age of twenty-one, he stopped aging. He enrolled in college and met a beautiful, human girl. But we'll save Isaac's story for another time.

Zayn and Victoria live in Italy, currently.

Victoria still wakes up with a single, red rose and will continue to wake up to one.

Zayn has made contact with his brother, Calum. They have both forgiven each other for their childish actions and they see each other frequently.



"Zayn stop it, Isaac is in the room beside us." Victoria whispers, while Zayn continues to kiss down her neck. "I'm just having a bit of fun, my love." He whispers, kissing the top of her breast. "You're so bad." She giggles.

"Baby, I'm a sinner." He whispers, connecting their lips in a passionate kiss.


wow, I can't believe we have reached the end. I rememeber posting the first chapter and I thought this book would only get about a couple reads but It's reached 100k reads and is currently ranked #52 in Vampire and #235 in Fanfiction.

That makes me so happy. I love all of you so much. I've had only a few negative comments but the rest have all been positive. You all gave me the encouragement to get up and write this. I've loved reading your predictions of the story and what you want to happen. You all are the best readers a girl could have.

But I'm not gonna stop writing because this book is ending. I have four more books for you all to read. I hope some of you will read them.

I've had a blast writing this book and I hope you all have had a blast reading it.

I'm tearing up writing this lol

xoxo indiestylxs





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