what the heart wants

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Victoria's POV


I stopped my car and parked, this town was beatiful. New Orleans was a fresh start, I was finally away from everything. "Hello there...would you like your fortune told?" an old women, sitting at a raggedy table asked. I felt bad so I sat down. "Sure why not." I smiled. She took my hand and after a couple minutes, smiled curiously at me. "Seems that you can't remember anything about someone...and I'm just warning you deary...he's near." She whispered.
I gave her a weird look and stood up, walking into the apartment complex. "Are you Victoria?" A old man asks from behind the desk. I smile. "Yes sir, that's me." He nods. He hands me a pair of keys and a map. "Here are your keys and a map of the town, enjoy your stay." He smiles. I smile back and go to the 5th floor. It was the very top floor. I open my door and see a empty apartment. I walked outside on the balcony and notice how vintage it is.
I walked downstairs and got in my car. I really needed furniture. I pulled up to the furniture store and noticed a man staring at me. I get out and walk towards the entrance. "Excuse me.." The man asks. "Yes?" I say. "I'm Kyle." He smiles. "Victoria." I say, walking towards the beds. "I know this is sudden but how about I take you out for coffee?" He smiles. I shake my head and pick out some pillows. "Sorry I'm with someone." I blush. He nods and walks off before stopping. "I'll be seeing you around....Victoria." He smiles. I scoff and continue with my shopping.

Zayns POV:


The fiery red head moans against my neck and I thrust into her. I finally dig my fangs into her neck, sucking her rich blood. It's not her, a voice in my head whispers....go back to her....
I shake my head and drain the girl till I'm satisfied. I look in her eyes, ready to compel her. "You don't know me...forget everything that has happened." I say, looking into her eyes. She nods and puts on her clothes, walking out. This is what I have become, a fucking monster. Something I promised I would never become again. I wipe my mouth off and open her journal. She didn't know I took it when we were last together. I read everything she wrote about me, from the day we met...till the last day. I look at the picture of us stuck inside of it. As much as it hurt me...I had to let her go. I was the reason for all the problems in her life. I sighed, setting her journal down and getting dressed. I wanted more...more blood. I need a drink to get Victoria out of my mind.



and who is Kyle? :) just sayin he is gonna play a big part in this book! whoo


next update will be next Friday

Baby I'm A Sinner // z.m.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang