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Zayns POV:

I punched the door, resulting to it flying across the room. I fucked up and I fucked up big time. I used my vampire speed and ran to her car. I banged my fist against her window. "Victoria..open the door, baby...I'm sorry...I'm stressed out." I pleaded. She rolls her eyes, unlocking the door. She steps out and slaps me across the face. I rubbed my cheek, chuckling. "I guess I deserved that." I chuckled. "Yes..you sure as hell deserved that." She yelled. I grabbed her wrist and kissed her lips softly. "Baby...I'm sorry." I whispered.

I threw her over my shoulder walking towards my bedroom. "Zayn...baby...stop.." She laughed. I lay her down on the bed gently. "You know what I'm scared of..." I said. She lifts her eyebrows. "What are you scared of zayn?" She asked. "Losing control...everytime I kiss you...I just want to feed, but I would never hurt you intentionally but what if my vampire side takes over and I can't stop..." I whispered the last part. She sits up, rubbing her hands down my back. "Baby....I know you won't hurt me." She says. I scoff. "How could you possibly know..?" I chuckle. "Because I know you love me enough to not to." She says, kissing my cheek. I look up at her, pinning her down on the bed. "Make love to me zayn..." She moans, as I kiss down her delicate neck.


I'm so sorry. I had complete writers block and that's why this chap is so short!

but only a couple more chapters left and this book will be over! but go check out my other two fanfics! "Red lips" & "you're my heaven but I'm your hell"
they are both harry fanfics!!!

AND I'm debating on if I should do a sex scene for the next chapter lol


Baby I'm A Sinner // z.m.Where stories live. Discover now