Chapter 1

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This ring wasn't meant for my finger.

Kelsey's P.O.V

I never thought I'd be where I am now.

Here I am, 21 years old, sitting alone at a bar on a Wednesday night after just breaking off my engagement a week before the wedding to the supposed man of my dreams.

I still had the ring with me.

My fiance, well ex-fiance, Kyle & I broke it off a few days ago & then he instantly drove home to visit him family before I had a chance to give the ring back so now it's just a constant reminder of my failed attempt at a marriage.

I honestly thought Kyle was the one for me but ever since he proposed, it didn't feel right.

That moment that everyone describes as 'the moment'...yea, I didn't feel that.

The moment of everything falling into place, the joy of knowing you're about to spend the rest of your life with your best friend, the excitement to plan a wedding, the unknown that you can't wait to figure out with your husband...I didn't feel any of that.

& I realized that I wanted to feel that, I needed to feel that.

But I didn't with Kyle.

& he agreed.

Things were a bit off for awhile & I finally blurted out that I think we should end the engagement & he agreed. If I never said anything, we'd be getting married.

Three years of a relationship now down the drain.

I was sitting at the bar drinking vodka sodas as I held the ring in between my fingers, spinning it around, starring at the diamond that was supposed to symbol eternal happiness, pure love, the ultimate commitment. Yet it held none of that for me. This ring actually didn't symbolize anything.

Instead, it was a waste of a purchase that I hoped Kyle could get his money back for.

This ring wasn't meant for my finger.

After ordering another vodka soda, now on my third, maybe fourth, I was looking down the bar & I saw a boy at the other end who was doing exactly as I was.

He was sipping on a beer & he was holding a ring in his fingers as well. I saw the sparkle so I could only assume it was an engagement ring.

Did that mean he was about to propose to someone? Was he starting this amazing journey that I was supposed to be on too? Was he looking at this ring thinking about how he was about to ask his best friend to marry him?

Except then I realized that he looked upset.

Was he in my position? Did someone just return the ring to him & now he's trying to figure out how to get his money back while also trying to figure out how to live his life without the one person he thought he was supposed to spend forever with?

After I finished my glass, I decided to move over towards this guy & so I sat on the stool next to him.

"Looks like we've been doing the same thing tonight." I said after I sat down.

"What? Drinking alone?"

"Well yea, that. & playing with a ring." I held up mine.

"Ah." He nodded. "I guess we are doing the same thing."

"Figured we could do it together." I shrugged. "If you don't mind."

"Sure. What's your name?"


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