Chapter 12

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"They're newlyweds too!"

Kelsey's P.O.V

It was our second to last day in Aruba & so Michael & I decided to see the nightlife. We had heard of the "club" in the area & we figured why not try it out. Michael doesn't party much since he's usually watching after Addison & I would go out occasionally but Kyle would always watch me so now it would be nice to be free & have a good time.

Before leaving, Michael took longer in front of the mirror getting ready than I did.

"What's taking so long?" I asked as I walked into the bathroom where he was fixing his hair. "Most people here are like on their honeymoon. There is no one to try to pick up, I doubt there are that many singles here."

"Hey, who said there isn't a group of girls here on an all girls trip that are just waiting for a guy like me." I was kind of offended at that comment at first. Was he really trying to look nice to pick someone up? "Besides Kelsey, I'm not looking to bring anyone home. I just want my hair to look decent."

"Oh. Good. Because I wouldn't have let you anyway."

"& why not?"

"Because there is only one bed & I'm not sleeping on the sofa while you have fun in there with someone else."

"Hey now, I think we proved that the hot tub & the shower are also likely places for something to go down."

"Stop!" I covered my ears. "We're not bringing anyone home tonight."

"Except each other." He quietly added as I walked out of the bathroom & that made me feel good to hear.

I just wore a pair of black shorts with a white tank top, I kept it simple. Michael was in all black so he was simple as well & then we walked a bit to where this club was.

Once there, I was in shock. It was amazing.

It was this outdoor place with an insanely beautiful bar setup, there were so many trees & lights set up yet it had such a fun vibe to it, even though it looked fancy. There were already people drunk out there on the dance floor, the drinks were so tropical. It was perfect.

"Shall we?" Michael asked & I nodded.

"Let's do this."

We took a seat at the bar & we both started with three rounds of shots. To be fair, we hadn't had any alcohol yet & sometimes it's awkward to be the only sober people in a sea of drunks so we wanted to feel it fast.

After those shots were taken, we both switched to mixed drinks, although we did ask for doubles. I hadn't completely let loose in months & I was planning on it tonight. Plus we could charge the bar bill to our hotel & Kyle's dad's account was still tied to the trip so hey, why not take advantage. Kyle said I still needed to go & enjoy this trip so I planned to do so.

"Hey!" Michael turned to me.


"This is exactly what is was like when we first met!"

"Oh my god!" I yelled back at him. I tend to get very loud & wound up when I drink. "You're right! I totally saw this boy at the bar holding a ring & I was like oh my god, I am doing the same thing! I wonder if he's about to propose! But then I saw you were sad so I was like oh no he's heartbroken too so I moved by you & wow, look at us now!" I said to him in a very excited voice, making it appear as if it were the best story ever.

"Hey Kelsey?"


"Are you drunk?"

"I'm getting there." I smiled at him which quickly turned into a laugher that I couldn't stop. "Actually, yea. I am."

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