Chapter 3

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"So like are there just penguins walking around?"

Michael's P.O.V

"You guys are never going to believe how my weekend went." I told my friends, Ashton, Calum & Luke as we sat around sharing a few beers on a Wednesday night to cheer us up mid-week.

"Tell us how it was so interesting." Calum said. "You missed a fun night at the club the other night, by the way."

"Yea, such a classic night. I think Ashton got rejected like six times." Luke started laughing at him.

"It was only three times & I still managed to get a beauty's number & I'm seeing her on Friday so shut up." Ashton defended himself.

This is what I meant when I talked to Kelsey last night about becoming a dad while my friends are still living life, having fun, being careless. But to be honest, making mac 'n cheese & reading Cinderella beat a night out in my mind. I'd take a night with my daughter over partying anytime.

"Well good for you Ash." I began. "But the weirdest thing happened. So on Thursday, I stopped by a pub after dinner just to have a few drinks & to think about Lauren, you know? I was just holding the engagement ring thinking about how all of this is truly over & then this girl sits next to me. Turns out, she was sitting at the bar holding her engagement ring too because she just called off her wedding!"

"Wedding?" Ashton said. "Wow. That's weird."

"She's suppose to get married this weekend but she just called it off & she was sitting at the bar holding her ring too so she came to sit by me & we kind of told our stories & it turns out we're in kind of similar situations." I then explained the rest of the situation to them all & that took quite awhile because they had so many questions about her.

"Wow. What are the chances. What's her name again?" Calum asked me.

"Kelsey. & I'm not done yet. So we talked awhile & I just told her like hey if you need a friend, let me know because if anything, I'd want to talk to her about this you know? & then she texted me the other night right before I was putting Addison to bed & she said that she needed a friend so I had her come over. She just returned the ring to her ex so it was a little emotional for her & we spent all night talking about life over dinosaur chicken nuggets."

"Those are amazing." Luke laughed but he was right. Almost every time Luke came over, he always made himself some of those. "But that's really cool. She seems cool."

"There's one more part. She sort of invited me to go on her honeymoon with her."

Ashton almost choked on his beer. "What did you just say?"

"Well like I said, she was suppose to get married this weekend so the honeymoon is already planned & it's paid for. Her ex is keeping their apartment & he's letting her take the trip so she asked me last night to come with her as like a holiday for two people to get over their broken hearts. So I'm going to Aruba soon."

"Whoa." Luke said before just shaking his head. "I have no idea what to say. I mean if I were you, I'd go too but damn, you're going to travel across the world on someone else's honeymoon? A girl you just met? Is this a good idea?"

"It's not really a honeymoon anymore but I mean yea. I think I need time away, it might be good for me. & Kelsey is so chill, I'm sure it'll be nice to have her to talk to & why not do it in paradise."

"Is she attractive?" Calum smirked. "She is, right?"

"Yea she's cute but it's not like I like her in that way. I'm honestly not over this situation with Lauren & I need this trip to try to get over her. I don't want to be with Lauren but I'm not ready to move on either."

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