Chapter 27

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"But you're Michael."

Kelsey's P.O.V


are you coming out with us all tonight? we're going clubbing.


you're going out on a week night? who is this person?!


yea! the guys are forcing me out but now i'm excited to go.


then maybe. where are you going?


grenade. my favorite club. come come come come.




& then i'll make you cum after.


you are a dirty boy.


ehh, debatable miss kelsey. i think we know who has the dirtier mind between the two of us...


but will you come?


sure. should i ask becca & her boyfriend too? i think they were looking for something to do.


the more the merrier. pre drink at ashton's apartment at 9:30.


okay coooooooool.


My roommate Becca, Ivan, her boyfriend, & I went over to the Ashton's apartment where we met up with the boys & then the seven of us had a few drinks.

I think we all share a mutual hate for the awkwardness that can come from arriving at a club sober so we had no issue drinking a lot beforehand.

I was in the kitchen mixing another drink when I felt two hands grip my waist.

"Hey kitten."

"Pet names already? Isn't it early in the night for that?"

"That dress really, & I mean really, makes your body look killer."

"I think it's the new bra I bought to be honest. It has lots of padding."

"Why? Your boobs don't need it."

"But if I wear this bra with the padding, then they look like this in the dress." I pointed to my chest. I knew I looked good tonight. Everyone deserves to have nights like these where they feel hot.

Everyone deserves a bra like this for that matter too.

"Very true. But hey Kels, I don't even know if I can make it out tonight anymore. I sort of just want to take you right now..." He whispered into my ear as he pulled me into him. I looked right up into his green eyes as he starred back, then looking at my lips before he leaned down to kiss me.

"Michael, stop. We don't do this in public."

"Yes we do. We've kissed in front of them all before." He told me as he began to kiss me again.

"Yea when we're completely trashed in a bar. I'm not drunk yet & neither are you so we don't do this."

"I can kiss you sober too, you know Kelsey."

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