Chapter 17

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"Can you take my pants off?"

Michael's P.O.V

"So are we going to behave for Miss. Kelsey tonight?" I asked Addison as I was feeding her soup for dinner.

"Yes daddy."

"You promise me?"

"I promise."

"Kelsey is going to tell me how the night goes & I do not want to hear that you were misbehaving or that you didn't go to bed on time."

"I'll be good."

"Thank you."

I was actually really happy Kelsey offered to babysit. I'd never ask her to but since she offered I decided to go with it. I trusted her with my daughter for the night & I did need a guys night out so this was perfect.

Addison usually does well with babysitters but I wanted to make sure she'd be on her best behavior for Kelsey.

After Addison finished eating, I put a movie on for her & then I went up to my room to get ready for the night out. I wanted to make sure my hair looked nice & things like that. I hadn't been out in forever, I may as well like nice.

A bit later, I heard a knock at the door so I ran to let Kelsey in.

"Hey Kelsey."

"Hi Michael. You look really nice."

"I try sometimes. Come on in." Kelsey came in & hung up her jacket. "Addison, come say hi to Miss. Kelsey."

& then a few seconds later, a little figure came running down the hallway to the front door.

"Hi!" She yelled as she ran to hug Kelsey's leg. "You get to babysit me tonight!"

"I know! I'm so excited. We're going to have a great night." Kelsey gave her a hug back before Addison ran back to watch more of her movie.

"Okay so I'll just go through the whole process." I said as I walked Kelsey to the kitchen. "Here are the phone numbers. My number, my parents, our neighbors, her doctor's, you know, the usual."


"& she's already had dinner, I have pajamas out on her bed for later. I would say she should be asleep by 9:00 at the latest but she likes to be read stories so bring her up like a half hour before then, just because she likes to listen to a few of them. After she finishes the movie she's watching now, just try to calm her down, play something quiet, & bring her to bed. You can just watch movies or eat or whatever until I get home. Sorry we're not going out until so late & Addy goes to bed so early so you're sort of alone all night."

"That's fine, got it."

"& you can call me if you have any questions. I'll keep my phone on."

"Michael, you need have fun tonight. We will be alright."

"Okay but still. Call me or call any of the guys if something happens."


"Okay. I think that's everything." I went through the usual babysitter protocol.

"Wait. You have something to ask me, right?" Kelsey asked but I knew this wasn't the right time. I couldn't ask her to be a potential friend with benefits on my walk out. I would ask after I got home, that would be better, right?

"I do but I'll ask afterwards, I need more time to explain."


"Hey Ashton is on his way to pick me up so I'll be out of here in a few. I'm gonna go say goodnight to Addison."

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