Chapter 9

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"Maybe that's why we get along so well."

Kelsey's P.O.V

One thing that Kyle & I had planned for this honeymoon was to go scuba diving. Michael agreed to come with so now we were on a boat, heading out into the middle of the ocean.

"The water is so blue." Michael said as he was looking out from the back of the boat.

"I know. Isn't it honestly so pretty?"

"It's like a post card. I don't even want to like get in the water, I feel like I'll ruin it."

"You'll be fine, Michael."

"So have you ever been scuba diving before, Kelsey?"

"Nope. I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of scared."

"Are you!?"

"Yea! Aren't you?"

"Nah." Michael shook his head. "I've gone a few years back & it's not scary at all."

"I'm scared I won't be able to breathe or that some shark will come attack me or I'll keep sinking."

"I'll make sure none of that happens to you, okay?"


There was a family of four on the boat with us & so we talked to them a bit too until we made it to the area we were apparently jumping into.

We had gotten the rules before we left on the boat but our instructor went over everything one more time before we put on our final pieces of gear.

Michael & I let the family jump in first, the kids were anxious & they were ready to go so I let them go on ahead.

"Ready?" Michael asked me.

"I'm nervous."

"You'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I won't let anything happen to you, Kelsey."


"We can get in together."

"Promise you won't like let go last minute & make me go in alone?"

"I won't."

"Because that's totally something Kyle would do."

"Well I'm not Kyle. Give me your hand." Michael held out his hand & so I grabbed onto his. "We'll step in on three, alright? One, two, three!"

Michael & I jumped into the clear water before we went underneath the surface. I had my eyes closed & it took a bit before I finally opened them. It was gorgeous. There were so many colorful fish & it was insanely surreal.

Michael was still holding onto my hand & that made me feel very comfortable. I felt safe even though I was underwater in the middle of the ocean somewhere in the middle of Aruba.

We swam around for quite awhile & it was quite the experience.

I took in every second I had under the water.

Afterwards, we went back up to the boat.

"See? You did it!" Michael told me once we were out of the wet suit. "I'm so proud."

"That was so cool!"

"I told you. That was very cool."

"I'm glad we did that." I told Michael. "Thanks for doing that with me."


"So what are we doing tonight?" Michael asked me again after we had sort of just gone over this.

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