Chapter 31

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Two short months.

Michael's P.O.V

After a weekend of bringing Addison back up to health, I drove her back to Lauren's where Christopher also was. Addison wasn't completely better yet but she was definitely better compared to Friday night. It was the first time I had to take care of her by myself & I was proud of myself.

I could be a single dad.

Kelsey did help a lot but even if she wasn't able to come over, I could have taken care of Addison alone & I was happy with myself.

Once I returned back from dropping Addison off, I spent some time disinfecting my house before I had the lads & Kelsey come over. I wanted to be around my friends.

"So Addison was feeling better when you dropped her off?" Luke asked me.

"Yep. Her fever was gone but she was still nauseous. I bet she needs one more good night sleep & then she'll feel better."

"Dad of the year award goes to you." Calum told me. "I can only imagine that was not a pleasant weekend for you."

"Cleaning up her puke? Nah. But she needed me & that's what daddys do."

"You did everything you could have for her, really." Kelsey smiled at me.

"Thanks for the help."

"Oh, Kels helped?" Ashton asked as he looked from Kelsey to me & then back to Kelsey.

"I just brought over some foods for her to eat yesterday & that was really it."

"Well that was really sweet." Ashton smiled at her. "I bet Addison felt a lot better with both of you two taking care of her. You make a great team."

"Yea, I guess." Kelsey didn't really understand Ashton's comment. Except I did. He was the only one I admitted to so far that I had true feelings for her so I think she was trying to drop hints around the both of us.

We spent awhile arguing over where to get dinner from but we decided on Mexican food & then we passed the time until our tacos arrived by watching the worst sport injuries on youtube.

"Tacos!" Luke yelled once I heard a knock at my door. I went over to pay for the food & then we all sat around my t.v to eat.

"You know, you can't really eat tacos without sour creme." Calum stated as he was indulging in his taco. "It's like a disgrace."

"But I don't like sour creme." Luke said proudly. "& I don't think I'm a disgrace to tacos."

"You are."

"I'm not!"

"You are!"

"I'm not!" They began arguing. "Hey, do you eat tacos with sour creme in Alaska, Kelsey?"

"I don't know Luke." She laughed a little bit as she took another bite of her taco. "I think it's up to the person to choose."

"See?" Luke acted as if he had won the argument just by Kelsey's one comment. "I'm not a disgrace."

"Yes you are." Calum quickly said under his breath before he sipped his beer. "Speaking of Alaska, how is the homeland?"

"It's doing fine." Kelsey answered him. "Thanksgiving is coming up in like a week so my parents are heading up into Northern Alaska to see my dad's family for the holiday."

"The Eskimos?" Luke was amazed by that. "That's so fucking cool."

"Yea, up there with the natives."

Almost - m.cTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang