Chapter 25

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"Don't you think if I were to fall for Michael, I would have by now?"

Kelsey's P.O.V

The sex aspect of my relationship with Michael was just over two months now & still fairly simple.

One of us would initiate the sex, and it was fairly equal who started it, then we'd sleep together, laugh a bit & that was it.

Otherwise, we had a completely normal friendship.

We didn't cuddle too much afterwards, just long enough to sort of calm down, & no matter how late it was, we didn't really spend the night at each other's places either except on the nights that Michael told me he'd want morning sex so it would be easier for me to sleep there.

It was mutual, it was easy, it was simple.

We also were never public about what we did behind the bedroom door. If we were walking down the street together, we didn't hold hands. If I was leaving after a night together, he wouldn't kiss me before we left each other. If we were watching a movie with our friends, we didn't sit together & cuddle.

The only time we were ever physical was when we were hooking up.

I guess the only exception were parties or nights out. When we went out together, more so only when alcohol was involved, we would cling to each other a bit & maybe make out in the back of the club or something but that was it. & even with that, since Michael didn't go out much, that rarely happened.


"Michael, are we having sex or not?" He was sitting on his bed, controller in hand, trying to kill someone or get a new weapon, I don't know how his games work.

"Give me like two minutes & then I'll fuck ya, Kels."

"Ugh." I fell bad into his pillows, starring at the ceiling, counting down those two minutes. I feel like for some people, this situation would be weird. I mean having sex, a lot, with a person you've known for a handful of months without a relationship label isn't for everyone. The fact that Michael & I were fairly open about sex in that we talked about it in normal conversation a lot too may seem strange to others but it felt normal for us.

"Hey, Michael?"

"Yea babe?"

& the pet names. Those only happen when we're alone as well.

"Michael? Come on!"

"Two more minutes still."

Once again, I had to attempt to pass another two minutes

"Still two more minutes? I'm getting impatient here."

"God Kelsey, horny much?"

"Maybe just a little bit." I sat up from his bed & I then moved behind him. I had a leg on either side of Michael as I sat myself right pressed up against his back.


"What?" I asked innocently as I began running my hands up & down his back, then pressing kisses to the back of his neck. "What am I doing wrong?"

"Don't distract me! I'm so close to beating this."

"I can get you close to something else..." I then leaned up to bite his ear. "C'mon baby."

"Fuck it." He threw his controller up. "Game over."

"So sex?"

"Yea." He stood up before he turned around to then pin me against the bed. "Sex."

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