Chapter 10

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These weren't Lauren's lips & I was okay with that.

Michael's P.O.V

This island was too damn romantic. The beach outside our window, our own villa, the romantic dinners, the scuba diving, the wine, the amazing food, the outstanding shower, a beautiful girl.

It didn't matter what heartbreak I had at home, this island was a cure to any problem, maybe a temporary cure, but still a cure.

A distraction may be a better word.

Hearing Kelsey tell me how she wants nothing to do with a guy like Kyle & how I am nothing like Kyle made me happy. I don't even know why but it did. I wasn't into Kelsey romantically. My heart was still filled with Lauren & I was not looking for any type of relationship with anyone for quite awhile but I liked knowing I wasn't anything like Kyle.

But here I was, laying on the comfiest bed in the world, with a pretty girl who was so sweet & very dorky yet extremely honest, who just drowned her sorrows the previous day in chocolate ice-cream, laying right next to me & I couldn't help myself.

Kelsey & I had talked so much about Kyle & Lauren, we were so honest about our breakups, our feelings, our fears, our concerns for the future that I felt like I knew Kelsey so well & I knew she'd be a lasting friend.

But for some reason, all of the perks of this trip, the fact that Kelsey is easy on the eyes & a nice comfort for my broken heart, somehow everything aligned in this very moment.

The windows surrounding us were leaving us in a dark room with just a light shining from the moon & a dim lamp on leaving us in quiet lighting, the sound of the waves still heard from the distance, the comfort of the bed, the smile in Kelsey's eyes, the curiosity I had in my mind ever since Kelsey & I talked about how Lauren was my first kiss, well the only girl I had ever kissed & then realizing that I would kiss other girls in the future, the curiosity I had about Kelsey's lips that made her so irresistible to Kyle for so all lined up tonight & I think I almost wanted to kiss Kelsey.

I couldn't read her too well but considering that she wasn't moving away as I inched towards her, I think she almost wanted to kiss me too.

Kelsey was laying with the back of her head flat against the pillow, she was looking up at the ceiling now but her eyes were glancing over at me every couple of seconds as I moved closer to her. I then rolled onto my stomach & I leaned up so I was hovering over Kelsey. I looked right into her eyes & there was absolutely no hesitation in those gorgeous eyes of hers. My eyes darted from her eyes to her lips & then back to her eyes but then back to her lips. I could feel my heart speed up as I realized that Kelsey's eyes never left mine.

I leaned forward the final few inches, my lips were just above Kelsey's, all she needed to do was press hers to mine. I could feel her breath, I could almost taste her.

"Michael." She whispered practically into my lips. "We shouldn't."

"Why not?"

"Are you sure it's okay?"

I nodded but before I could open my mouth to actually speak to convince her, Kelsey had leaned forward the final inch & our lips touched.

Kelsey's hands cupped my face as we kissed & it was very slow, there was no eagerness, no demand, no dominance, it was simple kissing.

Yet I had the biggest chill throughout my entire body.

These weren't Lauren's lips & I was okay with that.

I liked Kelsey's lips.

I felt more in this kiss than I had in the past year or two of being with Lauren.

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